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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. but just because you talked about it nothing is going to happen so you're good
  2. if this is the news boz was going to give us then I'm glad I didn't stream dula peep for nothing
  3. 2013 lmao never had a best friend since then when was the last time you slept with socks on?
  4. so the feature rumor going on is true then just checked and yes her name is really there, we can't escape from jack
  5. sun: ride moon: body electric rising: cruel world
  6. happy page 600 we're maniacs we have almost no info on this album
  7. in my opinion a madonna collab is just like the stevie nicks collab situation both are LEGENDS and there's no losing in doing a collab with a legend even if they don't sound the best at the moment queen madge is queen
  8. @Lustformoney is a trendsetter, no fancam is better
  9. thank you seriously I love this man
  10. the mists of avalon book 1: mistress of magic
  11. these people never learn omg it's almost like a joke at this point
  12. yes we need our thai legend to come through I think we'll get bb music video on that date instead
  13. at least we know she's still alive I guess but it's always great to see niko and topanga pics
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