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bel air rose

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Everything posted by bel air rose

  1. i’m SCREAMINGGG i just keep watching
  2. ok but that post from 3 days ago of mike dean playing the guitar... ladies let’s not be too hasty. maybe it’s produced by zach (or unfortunately jack) and mike just added something extra to some of the tracks
  3. manifesting this on rcs https://www.instagram.com/p/CNec9k4JuqB/?igshid=1tu6qk6vai5xm
  4. blue banister... stairs... carry me up them stairs put my white socks on and my pretty song you like my blue nail polish 1949 rework yup
  5. let’s look at some of her other “object” titled songs fine china velvet crowbar old money mariners apartment complex white mustang white dress video games blue jeans diet mountain dew radio blue banister
  6. black beauty, brooklyn baby, and blue bannisters knowing they’re BB acronym masterpieces in lanas discography
  7. i think of hawaiian tropic which i’m obsessed with
  8. still disappointed nawwal had little to no organ not to bring up jack for the millionth time but i was cleaning the other day and asked alexa to shuffle lana and i swear every song on nfr and chemtrails was so quiet compared to the other songs idk if that’s jacks fault but rcs better be loud
  9. it’s always the same user constantly worrying about how “republican” lana looks can we please drop it already- it’s one thing to give an opinion on country music since she is an artist but stop assuming everyones political stance it’s fucking annoying to read all the time
  10. actually we want her to evolve... without jack this entire rant sounds like mental gymnastics considering we’ve been asking for zach who is a new producer lol also yeah some of us want a more glamorous/ cinematic production, why should we feel bad about that??? that sound was the entire reason for her and her label to create the persona/ name “lana del rey”
  11. the jack and nikki lane speculation is destroying my hype for this album manifesting () a solo alternative rock album with zach
  12. I don’t see how jack could have produced an entire album with lana when he couldn’t even finish chemtrails with her my guess is that they made some songs together during the time of the tjf instagram post (after qftc) and didn’t include them on chemtrails bc she wanted to save her angry thoughts for the next album. I feel like rcs will be jack/zach
  13. idk something is still strange
  14. but that’s subjective... not all of us are nikki lane fans
  15. i don’t think any man will be good enough for lana, but i really hope she finds someone as special as the one (or ones?) she talks about in songs like pawn shop ittj etc. it’s so heartbreaking to hear those songs about her giving up someone she loves and choosing her career. i think it was the right decision for her to chose herself before a man, but it makes me sad that all these years later she still can’t seem to find the right one.
  16. that would be the nail in the coffin for me fuck off
  17. omg don’t make me cry ur so sweet also i’m in love with ur pfp
  18. to me it’s just like trading one person a lot of fans don’t like for another i feel like lana made these songs with nikki when she was in a rut and didn’t know which direction to go in. now that she knows, i’m hoping she just keeps the songs or lets nikki release them bc she doesn’t seem to be in that same headspace anymore, u can kinda tell from her performance last night
  19. no nikki would ruin these godly unreleased we need to manifest that this album does not see the light of day or ends up being primarily nikkis project
  20. i gave BUS an honest chance but i think i’ve listened only 3 times since it was released the melody is nice i just cant stand nikkis voice
  21. guys u know how scary it is to log in to lanaboards and see nikki lanes name twice in the recent threads
  22. i was wondering why rcs has been crickets... i have nothing nice to say hoping this is another one of her lies
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