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The Stargirl Pinky

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Everything posted by The Stargirl Pinky

  1. You’re supposed to answer the question and post a new question too, Miss Venice! Jk jk but there’s a lot you don’t know about me (yet)
  2. I personally haven’t done LSD but I love the song skssfndssgdf Which track would be your go-to road trip song?
  3. Never fails to make me smile: What song reminds you of your childhood?
  4. Hmmm relaxing song is probably What song absolutely tugs at your heartstrings?
  5. It was a brisk March morning when I was bathed in morning light as it entered my sleeping quarters and this thread idea slapped me in the face like a southern mama after her kid says ‘heck’ No really tho since we’re in a drought why not diversify the games we play on this forum? ‘Name That Song’ is a game of give and take, where someone asks a question and you respond with a song or a link to a song. Let’s play it out: ————————— The question might be: “What song do you listen to when you’re feeling blue?” And someone will respond with: “What song do you crave when you’re working out?” ————————— Note that the person who responded with a song will also ask a question to prompt the next post. Make sense? Now let the gun begin! For the first question: What song do you listen to when you’re getting ready to go out on the town?
  6. When I panic after thinking I still need a face mask
  7. Sad we probably won’t see much more of Nate’s dad in the future cause damn hellfire, save matches, fuck a duck, and see what hatches he’s fucking hot LMAO
  8. FIILY post on LDR Village with lyrics: “Turn the radio on, dancing to a pop song” with the beach aesthetic definitely gives DNC jacket vibes and it made me think maybe DNC means Dancing to a New Current? A cute, fun, beachy project of poems and accompanying music
  9. The gag when lustforlife’s husband is Boz and “today’s the day” is the launch of their Onlyfans
  10. Not lustforlife announcing the start of his onlyfans with his French husband I’ll subscribe, make me lust I’m ready
  11. Dashboard POV: me when I get lost in convo and lose track of the road
  12. Maybe this is better off as a status or a blog or something, but the world at the brink of war puts my own tiny world into perspective and makes me think about the ways I would change if I knew disaster could strike at any moment. Living with intentionality, spreading kindness, clearing the air of any grievances, practicing more and more empathy… While I personally don’t know people in Ukraine and Taiwan, I have friends who have family/friends there and I’m praying for tensions to die down, regardless of how improbable that might be at this point. My heart breaks for the civilians and armed forces alike who will go through the unimaginable. I wish I could do more. Hug your loved ones gorls
  13. LDR approves of a Drag Race simulator thread confirmed
  14. This is some wild news to wake up to. But the thing that confuses me the most is why I kept reading reports that - in the leading days before invasion - Kiev denied all reports that Russia was going to come into their territory? If it smells like a dog, acts like a dog, it’s probably a dog right? AKA by Lizzy Grant if there are tanks lining up at your border chances are they’re coming in?
  15. First she sweeps the Lipsters and now Big Brother…. Surf Noir is unstoppable
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