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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. The dogs one. Unsure if it’s the smiling or non-smiling one.
  2. Lana can probably get a delayed #1 when physicals drop right? like that’s where majority of her sales come from anyway. doubt she’ll get #1 with just streams
  3. This is really unfair. We have no idea what happened between them yet a lot of fans have harassed him over it. In my opinion, he’s just trying to play it cool and seem like fans don’t bother him by answering dumb questions. oh the unreleased thing I understand complaints for but yall can NOT complain about dealer knowing damnnn well it was gonna be on the album before it leaked
  4. Loaded is a song Miles Kane released a couple years back, I think Lana helped write or something? Idk, I listened to it on release which I think I would’ve only done if it was lana related. I assume it was TLSP session related too.
  5. girl it’s the same woman smiling what do u expect?
  6. girl stop it was a badly worded post with good intentions. she doesn’t need to take accountability for anything.
  7. YUP bb, text book, arcadia seem like the slower songs.... interlude after that to lead into the synth madness yup
  8. plss about what.. all they did was say the exact same things we've been speculating/pretty much had confirmed by BOZ already
  9. i don't think lfl has heard the album in full. they're not an insider, just someone who knows someone. i feel like boz/etc would've teased something about rbfy by now.
  10. not me staring blankly at the inspect element link on the site trying to figure out what the hell to do to find this tracklist
  11. @sweetie come on out girl we ain’t gonna jump you
  12. didn’t drake release a double album a couple years ago where streaming the full album counted twice/a sale counted as a double sale? wbk BB & AKA coming to debut #1
  13. Last week he seemed clueless. He probs knows about the 15 tracks but when it comes to hearing Dealer I doubt he’s heard it since the COCC edition.
  14. I can kinda see them allowing Sam Fender & Lana to release on the same day.. I don’t think they have a huge overlap in fan base so a bit of competition would surely be good for sales
  15. omg is that why ur so MIA i missed seeing ur posts on this thread
  16. I think Mike’s a little busy for Lana rn so anything they’ve done is probably complete/shelved, and we know how often she likes to change her mind so I’m not holding out total hope for her to be working lots with him. I hope I’m wrong though x
  17. Do we think she could just be surprise dropping the album then too? Or was that insider wrong do we thinks
  18. Yes, but the insider clarified that it’s the full album when questioned so.. let’s pray x
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