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Posts posted by stupidapartmentcomplex

  1. 1 hour ago, Elle said:

    I am wondering what issues you may have with the banner ads? Again, feedback of all kinds is welcome here, and suggestions are helpful for me to understand users' opinions & ideas to generate revenue to pay for the site that all are on board with x


    hi I voted for option 2. In the previous thread, you asked if there are people who would be less inclined to visit the site if vignette ads were implemented and i'm very sorry to say that i'm one of those people. I understand this site needs ads to keep existing and if more ads are necessary for upkeep of the site then that's also completely understandable and should be implemented. I enjoy it here very much so of course I'm willing to support this site in order to keep everything running.

    However, it's the vignette/pop up ads specifically that are just too intrusive for me. Many have stated that it is no bother for them to get a pop up and just click it away, and i agree that it is a minor inconvenience, but unfortunately things like this bother my browsing experience a little more than others, please don't hate me for that.

    It's just that it being a minor inconvenience doesn't immediately justify implementation for me, especially when i felt there were so many better, less intrusive ideas posted in the previous thread.

    Merch is fun. More perks for supporters to make becoming a supporter more attractive is fun. Extra themes for supporters is fun. Donation possibilities or a fundraiser is cool. I would even prefer ads in between posts over pop-up ads, which someone in the previous thread also mentioned.


    I hope this helps you!

  2. i FINALLY said my goodbyes to the pre-release thread, made it to the post-release arriving fashionably late :mj2:

    just went through all these pages frantically liking all your beautiful album thoughts WITH NO SPOILER CLICKING INVOLVED

    i went on an amazing bike ride today, sun finally shining after days of miserable weather, had just finished some deadlines so i felt extra free and breezy, wind in my back, listening to the ALBUM, little flowers finally starting to bloom along the road :xcry: 

    it felt like i was floating ever so slightly off the ground & just wanted to cry at all the beauty i was experiencing in that moment 


  3. i just read so many pages clicking millions of spoiler thingies djdjdjjfjh but i can't stop thinking about how i love all your posts about the album! it gives me such a special feeling listening to it and reading all your beautiful posts simultaneously. especially @Lustformoney and @electra


    this gif is encapsulating everything i'm feeling about the album rn, it's so gorgeous



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