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past the bushes

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Everything posted by past the bushes

  1. can't believe fishtail is hated that autotune and the production is what makes it enjoyable for me, call me worst taste at the lipsters idc
  2. idk who this bitch is...the light got in and now I see the truth but yeah it still hits too close to home so I can't bring myself to listen to it that much, but that's a good thing, her thought-provoking songs end up being my favorites all the fucking time
  3. I meant I never thought a Lana x Tommy collab could happen so there's a chance for anything
  4. before "Peppers" happened I would've said Rosalía but now i'm not so sure some crazy collabs can happen
  5. Lana Del Rey ft. Lady Gaga, So Legit 2
  6. i kept trying to decipher what she was saying during my first listen and this man's last name was not my first guess
  7. only time i hear about that cesspool of a site is when they negatively review her albums, make of that what you will
  8. fingertips is a masterpiece, y'all just need to give yourselves two seconds to breathe
  9. is this unpopular? one of the strongest BB tracks that wasn't unreleased
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