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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. because she/her team loves stupid decisions
  2. oh well a silver lining at least but then again we don’t now if she just disabled it or completely deactivated if after logging in again i still don’t think the big account will be back tho cause why not just use that one when she’s constantly active on the honeymoon account anyway but we’ll see once the era’s "promo" starts
  3. I doubt that one still exits, you have to log in every few months for it not to be deleted. And since she keeps honeymoon open now and added LDR in the bio its kinda confirmed she’ll just use that one and the orignal account is gone ig. Another exceptionally stupid decision presented to us by maison del rey
  4. yeah way too much piano and jack but he called it a beautiful () ethereal, epic project so hey we move i guess
  5. that bitter old hag who called lana’s music generic, suggested she should just kill herself and basically said lana got more fame through her mentioning her in some book nobody bought or read?
  6. Well we’re definitely at least getting a single(s) this year without any doubt. Technically an album too since none of Ben’s "soon" was longer than a 4-5 months wait (this better not jinx it lol) but album wise who knows with Ol’ girl we know she likes a good delay But yeah we’re getting something this year that’s for sure.
  7. "Well done @Honeymoon for putting together such a beautiful night and i can’t wait for us to do more 😉" maybe not that much of a reach omg? i do think he’s more generally speaking and not necessarily teasing a fully planned out tour but maybe she’ll finally tour again during the next era (she owes us europeans that and please no "last minute cancellations to go to disneyland with Val" this time )
  8. DON’T YOU KNOW MY ASS IS FAMOUS So this is the pre-summer single someone mentioned that she apparently ended up scrapping but now changed her mind…again? give us a summer bop Lawna something sweet for the fucking kids
  9. wouldn’t be the first time either after youtube-rip gate
  10. In before she just uploads some of the obscure potato quality dbree "leaks" from the pre-cocc era to spotify and calls it a day
  11. Exactly, like not even saying she makes bad music now, she still gave us many awesome moments, visually and sonically and obviously still got it (when she wants to) there’s just this sense of inconsistency with her since norman. But it’s not like she’s a lost cause, her latest outings, esthetic and mood at least same very different from cocc/bb and more old school lana which could be a good sign. We’ll know more once the first single is out
  12. exactly speak your truth. i think most OG stans feel this way (most of them do they just don’t wanna admit it but we know) i think after this album a lot of stan cards will be handed in…once again but hey that’s just what it is can’t do much about it anyway. If this album is another bb or dare i say it even worse/messier (which for now doesn’t exactly sound very different especially with the producers involved) it’ll be the 4th album on this downward spiral for many people in the fandom and it’ll kinda be pointless to expect/wait for her to give us what we want/need again cause it just won’t be happening. Unfortunately no relationship lasts forever even with your favorite artist, we can only wait and see
  13. oh when he praises something it must be excellent (or generic garbage) but caroline never misses so that’s a win anyway no more stripped back piano, 6 unreleased songs from youtube, jack farts over 2 guitar plucks shit please. new and exciting material only
  14. can you send a screenshot of what he said on caroline pls? not dupipa tho idc about her
  15. and it’s as usual all marina’s fault
  16. Jack is gone, Rick is gone, Dan is gone, Zach is gone, Kanye is gone… Nikki is gone. But Drew’s still standing
  17. on that topic we need a WHOLE album again. a concept, something from A to Z. I love BB and liked cocc and nfr but i’m so tired of her albums feeling randomly thrown together now or even worse feeling unfinished and short like cocc. that’s why she needs to stop releasing something every two business days and having 15 side projects so she can focus on making one great, complete, album
  18. why’s no one talking about the fact the credits version is the second version? it’s more stripped back and there’s a discreet electrical guitar. can we have the full version now please?
  19. don’t forget when most of us were kids/teens we usually acted our age. smoking a joint was like WOW you’re so gangster lizzie grant meanwhile 17 year olds now all act like they’re 29 and most of them look older than i do maybe we don’t relate to euphoria but the modern vaping teen does i guess. plus it’s hollywood, they always overdramatize everything for ratings.
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