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Everything posted by YourGirl666

  1. YourGirl666

    Song vs. Song

    Thunder (Demo) vs Wildflower Wildfire
  2. Goom Gike Ghat > Ghe Ghole Gultraviolence
  3. The Rise and Fall of Unidentified Flying Bill and This Year's Slow Burns 1. The Beach 2. From His Father 3. Over the Water 4. UFOs or Something 5. So Crazy 6. We've Got The Night 7. Slow Burn 8. This Year's Girl 9. I'm Sober - But You're Getting Higher 10. Unidentified Flying Bill 11. Hot Like Fire
  4. #LeakUFB2021 Crazy for You next leak confirmed
  5. Gall gof gy Gagina Gand gresh gemon
  6. Goom Gike Ghat Goom Gike Ghat Goom Gike Ghat Goom Gike Ghat
  7. Get High (HBTB Demo) Guns N Roses (Demo with borrowed Axl Rose Husband lyrics) Get Free (Demo a.k.a. Malibu) Greatest (TG piano demo) Gods N Monsters (Demo) God Knows I Tried (UV Demo) Groupie Love (Solo) God Bless America (Fartless Version) God Save Our Young Blood (LFL Solo Demo) Get Drunk (HM Version) Goodbye Kiss (Studio Version) Good Life (HQ) Gramma (BTD Demo)
  8. She already did, it's called Burning Desire bridge
  9. Hope, Fine China, God Knows I Tried, The Blackest Day, Wait for Life, Beautiful People demo, Nectar of the Gods, Cruel World, Pretty When I Cry, Terrence Loves You, Boom Like That
  10. Yes, so you guys can finally admit that COCC is Lana's best album
  11. Imagine Dealer (feat. Lizzo, XTina & Demi Lovalien), the power of then three can bring absolutely everything, including UFB, On&On, Crazy For You and Morricone
  12. YourGirl666

    Song vs. Song

    Your Girl vs Roll With Me
  13. 1. Boom Like That 2. Trash Magic 3. St. Tropez 4. Scarface 5. Noir 6. Fine China
  14. Manifesting: Thunder: more piano, minor lyrical changes (or not), more build up NOTG: same instruments, new chorus with same melody (but please, not too wordy like TNBAR and Arcadia, new vocal tape (no copy and paste of verses, thanks), better mixing, maybe a little more reverb Cherry Blossom: only a new vocal take Living Legend: smoother sound, more background vocals, soft drums, new vocal take, maybe some lyrical changes Dealer: more Lana, guitar solo If You Lie Down With Me: moans
  15. Boom Like That (feat. Britney Spears) is comiiinnnggg
  16. Omgggggg I thought you were asking for recs lmao, I didn't see you were quoting me
  17. Fade Into You by Mazzy Star and Exist For Love by Aurora give me that dreamy wavey psychedelic vibe
  18. Btw, when do you guys expect the album to leak (like it always does)? The leaks normally happen due to physical copies shipping early, it's almost surreal how, at this point, there hasn't been any (that we know about)
  19. Manifesting BBS being Beach Boys reworked (it's the only way we're getting to hear the 2007 version)
  20. YourGirl666

    Song vs. Song

    Your Girl vs Greenwitch Acid
  21. We know that they only have one snippet, so why bother in sharing it with us? It's not even the full track and... we're already used to only get snippets of songs that'll never leak...anyway @111 @HoneymoonDaddy @Brightsun @lustforlife
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