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Everything posted by SalvaWHORE

  1. she is using TIKTOK? okay im having a good feeling about this new era.
  2. SalvaWHORE

    Britney Spears

    the way this was never the lead single is a hatecrime what the fuck oh God?
  3. My ranking right now: 1. HBHBHB I'm sorry, HBHBHB has to be ALWAYS ON THE TOP SPOT 2. Dance Fever (it leaves me speechless honestly) 3. Ceremonials 4. Lungs 5. High As Hope Anyway, I was right to claim Restraint from the beginning - with only nearly 50 secs length - she literally came for my neck.
  4. Watch her popping up in Tokyo or somewhere in Asia next week. She is so unpredictable at this point & can be anywhere. This is kinda like shiny hunting in PokemonGo
  5. or with him being her right hand man, there will be someone to tell her that "babe, fix this line, dont worry u can still prove ur point and shut them the fuck up with this song" etc.
  6. And also, she said she will disscuss about this particular topic in that QFTC post (before Chemtrails) and that story where she announced RCS (before it became Blue Banisters) so a hoe can dream about a day when she release a record to clap back all the bullshit & set all the record (no pun intended) straight once and for all.
  7. Yeah the idea might sound corny but this is what happened to her and how people percieve her, and just imagine that energy from QFTC being converted into a record - with more deep thoughts & better wording & she expressing it through the art. That's what i meant. I know its a really sensitive topic even for Lana (what happened we all know),but still she is the only person i believe wgo can pull it off without being corny or fake deep.
  8. fyi for those who want to drag the fuck out of me: when i say "the truth about feminism culture" it does not apply to the feminism itself (the purest form, look it up) im talking about who treats it like a trend / a topic to hop on but have no single idea about it. Back then, those were the people who accused Lana of being an anti-feminist, setting women back in time - with only one thing on their mind - women are expected to be someone like Beyonce - strong, powerful, rebellious against the system / patriarchy, meanwhile Lana is opposite to that mold. They dont understand that feminism arent always about strong powerful successful women, its about women who choose to be what they are, the life they live. And i have the right to be bitter thinking about how BAD Lana was treated back then because she portrays a woman who is traditional: always behind a man, kneeling down for a man, a woman who choose to be weaker for a man - you might not agree with her but let a woman be what she wants to be. From that: The truth about feminism is they werent nice at women like her (not white like her, but fragile, weaker women) at that period of time (and sometimes,still, right now).
  9. I really believe Lana should make a record to disscuss about the fakeness of woke culture / feminism culture because deep down i know she knows that she wasnt an anti-feminist, she was that bitch who knows THE TRUTH about feminism of that period of time Yup, i dont want a woke record, i want a clapback at woke culture / stan culture and their bullshit record if i see a single karen comment one.more.time.
  10. I wonder if Lana sometimes know that she isnt an anti-feminist like the media has been making her out to be, but more like one who reveal the true nature of the 'feminism' revolution they were portraying back then (and sometimes, still, these days) - the fakeness, the lack of inclusivity & the hollow performative of it all? When she said that she "did not care" about feminism, she was interested in Telsla, SpaceX, Science stuff, I always thought "Wow, what a weird way to answer that question but now i can feel that i understand her more than ever: she is either got tired of females being constantly asked about feminism everytime they popped up, its like a new form of "forcing a woman" into talking a certain subject that they want to write about or she is just tired because she foresaw the true nature of "feminism" of back then: You are expected to be someone like i.e Beyoncé: rebelling against the system, singing women-empowering song instead of given a chance to be who you want to be, and feel what you want to feel. And back then, as we can see, female popstars are tend to sing either shiny pop hooks about being happy or being a strong female for most of the time - Lana came to the scene and broke that cycle - which they said she "setting women back in time" "antifeminism" & stuff. Through times, and really, thanks for Lana, because from stanning Lana - i can feel i was educated for about women & the truth about feminism of that particular time: Feminism only advocated for strong women who are ready to rebel against the tradition / the system, but did not treat the "fragile women"/"girly girl" very nice, why were stronger women putting them down for that? And why do fragile women / weak women not deserve to be respected? Really, Lana & her music got me questioning about this topic a lot & i cane to understand why she put on QFTC & why is she who she is today. I believe because of people like Lana, society has now changed the thinking of feminism - im so happy that the masculinity, feminity talk in womenhood has entered the chat these days. But still, weak/fragile women like Lana are still targets to be picked on a lot. Because of their weak/fragile nature they are disrespected. People still dont understand that if a woman, or anyone chooses to be weak or fragile, let them be, why are we forcing ourselves to be empowering every single day? Thats why I see Lana is such ahead of her time without being too political, woke, performative but who how people treated her for her pressence alone is what we need to see about the truth of toxic empowering & toxic positivity. Which no one had yet to talk about back then.
  11. Guys. I dont know what to say about this project. I mean, this is still too much for me to even write about it. No bullshit but i still havent found a way to recollect myself after hearing this album yesterday - she literally torn me to pieces track-by-track. will come back to this thread later, i feel like she drained everysingle amount of vocabulary from my brain and now i have nothing to process. God, Florence why do you have to do this to me?
  12. Okay this is outstanding - its literally her stepping out right from Honeymoon era.
  13. okay it's THE WAY HER FACE LOOKING UPWARDS FOR ME! Her jewelry choice really never misses.
  14. im a whore to West Coast (Dan Heath Remix)
  15. The way this look is so Honeymoon & Blue Banisters at the same time is insane.
  16. Is it too greedy to always want more from Lana? - No. And it's just it.
  17. i sorta put the texture into the photo, double exposure & stuff the magic of picsart hunny
  18. omw listening to Dance Fever I'm ready to be scalped momma.
  19. for me, i always feel like Venice Bitch should be a closure track, it just has that ending credit vibes
  21. I just made "Bird World Edition" for NFR from Lanita's latest ig photo. With new tracklist arrangement x
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