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Everything posted by SalvaWHORE

  1. it's fanmade only tho, besides that we already bought the album at this point, i think it's not a problem
  2. Guys. Do we have the leak of Chemtrails Over the Country Club with the vocalizing "yeahhh" outro yet? I'm so mad that she did not put that in the actual song.
  3. finally found a meme for your take, thank me later xx
  4. And while we're at it, he's just won "Producer of the Year"
  5. Can Lana dress like this (yes, with the hairdo) again for LDR9?
  6. Lana please announce something before we go mad & burn Jack Antonoff at the stake alive
  7. gorl, we're still taking our time to argue if Jack Antonoff "worthy" for LDR9 or not, do u think we have something new yet?
  8. actually those 2 arent bad either, they're just simply good for being "good music", nothing astonishing about them (i'd trade for free away for a more decent closure for Chemtrails any day)
  9. Let's not forget MELODRAMA. Let's not forget THAT
  10. sometimes i see some of y'all be hating Jack Antonoff so blindly to the point that y'all disregard everything he's done for Lana, like THIS:
  11. IS THAT REAL DEAL? or just a troll tho?
  12. PLEASEEE, she's not going to release an album full of Watercolor Eyes omg what IS THIS?
  13. if there is a piano ballad, can she please at least make it sound like RIVERSIDE
  14. not the venice bitch/ MAC slander
  15. okay so in Born to Die art work, she stands in front of a vehicle (a car) which symbolises that she's "gonna take a ride" into whatever in stored for her - which is a theme in the album - a young, wild & free Lana, singing about "taking a walk on the wildside" in her adolescent (she also confirms that BTD was in fact dedicated to her wild youth). In Ultraviolence, she opens the door of the car, which symbolises how she actually experiences life, opening the door just like opening up a pandora's box - mostly this album is full of dark, twisted, toxic aspects of a relationship that she might actually went through. In Honeymoon artwork, she finally stepped into the vehicle -which was a tour bus, looking vacation-esque (which is a "honeymoon"), it symbolises that she accepts the reality after learning the darkside of love & life, and now she takes a honeymoon with herself to get to the bottom of everything once and for all. Which reflects this album's theme a lot, as a "breakup record". In Lust for Life, she finally smiles - once again, standing in front of a vehicle, which symbolises that this is her new era, new state of mind, she's in a good place & ready to embrace herself & celebrate life. This also alludes to her debut "born to die" - in title-wise & artwork concept wise - standing in front of a vehicle, but instead of that cold face, she is now smiling, looking happy & fresh as a "daisy" (on her hair of course). She once was about to get into the vehicale, opened the door of the vehicle, stepped into the vehicle, and now she stepped out of the vehicle while smiling. By the end of Lust for Life, we hear the waves, beach sounds, seagulls (Get Free outro) - which foreshadowed the NFR album artwork - she was actually sailing in the middle of the ocean, that symbolises she actually went out there, explore, discover new things, which she did. And after your big adventure, you feel tired, what would you do? You want a rest stop, you want to be with the people you love - and that was Chemtrails artwork - she surrounded by the women that are her friends. And in Blue banisters artwork, we see her chilling with Tex & Mex in a wooden house - which symbolise a peaceful place she is right now in her state of mind - and come to think of it, that is why these 2 albums released in the same year, in Chemtrails she's with the people she loves, in BB, she's at her peace, both of the albums look like her rest stops - while on the road & when she's finally home again. So with that said, only looking at Lana's artwork, we see a process, we witness her story, we hear her & we feel her growth. So exciting to see LDR9 cover, whatever it is, it might not be our taste but it surely wont be meaningless.
  16. um chile - people are gonna put it on *that website* anyway
  18. Can she sample summer soundscape into her songs for this album? We need something like "get free" outro
  19. omg i'm gonna sleep well tonight thank you I really hope it's another summer album just like NFR, but like, a step-up from NFR. NFR was a masterpiece but to me personally it's still too mellow at some point, it needs more Venice Bitch, Doin Time, The greatest moments And of course, if it's Jack Antonoff, we definitely need more "White Dress" & "SportCruiser" as well.
  20. i am actually making an album artwork concept as a film credit
  21. that outro + melody he did for Sportcruiser - TOP NOTCH. The whole track is just Lana reading a long ass poem for almost 7 fucking minutes but that is one of my most replay track when listening to Violet. Because of the MUSIC for the background of that poem literally got me transcended
  22. I said it before & i said it again: Jack is not the best of producers out there who ever worked with Lana & i never was all that crazy about his ballad-piano driven songs, but if he does whatever the fuck he did with Sportcruiser in soundwise for ballads in LDR9, then i'm all fucking in.
  23. I love Jack Antonoff and i'm exciting that he's back for LDR9. But no Beautiful slander please, that piano intro literally ATE whatever the fuck Jack has been doing with is muffled lofi piano. But Jack isnt a bad producer either, we all know what he + Lana as a duo are capable of: Let me remind y'all VENICE BITCH & WHITE DRESS.
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