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Everything posted by SalvaWHORE

  1. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    the bitch covid is at it again
  2. Lust for Life is a painfully underrated, underestimated, misunderstood & overhated project just because the girl just wanted to dip her toe into a little bit of mainstream while wasn't even sounding mainstream at all.
  3. the way that we all know 2022 will be nothing different from 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and we can't do nothing about it.
  4. i agree. I just want her to serve more beach, seaside, summertime vibes that make me feel the same way NFR did. But in a new direction, since she has been always showing artistic growth like every year.
  5. If LDR9 serves moments that makes me feel like: - Venice Bitch - Black Bathing Suit - White Dress - Heroin - Brooklyn Baby - The greatest - Dealer - Ride - Bel Air - Honeymoon - Off to the Races - Swan Song I swear this will be her magnum opus, her golden era. Her BTD 2.0 of this new decade.
  6. where is arcadialovesong? i kinda miss him
  7. havent seen it. Should i get my expectations lower? Since A Star Is Born was unexpectedly good.
  8. alrighty miss Lana, cover album when? u didnt tease that Capitol smiling pic for nothing.
  9. What I can say about NFR at this point is: The fact that this album still literally moves the sea, the winds, the oceanic salty air, the seaside apartment complex, the whole "Long Beach" atmosphere, the whole surf culture lifestyle, etc to where i'm living now everytime i play it is so madly surreal. Like, I feel like I'm breathing California air despite being depressed in my room all day long. It's like Lana does have wirchcraft for real, its crazy.
  10. The Nikki Lane h*te propaganda is not gonna stop (not even BUS actually growing on me & becoming more... tolerable lately)
  11. I need LDR9 to have more moments that we have like > 4:40s or 5 or 6 or even 9 minutes songs that still sound like 3 minutes.
  12. I would like to take a moment to publicly thank you @Stargirls Dealer for being such a generous queen & giving me this crazy opportunity I always dreamed about what it would be like to maybe win one of these someday, but I never thought it actually would have happened. *sobbing in Taylor Swift's voice*
  13. SalvaWHORE


    The Man with the Axe, Leader of the New Regime & Oceanic Feeling are literally best tracks from this album tho.
  14. I was getting that limited edition of the album, it isnt available in my local Australian stores thank you sis, i'm getting to this asshole.
  15. Should i promise them a report to authorities?
  16. @venicebitx gurl theyve just replied
  17. that's sweet. thank you so much. But does it work tho? since I actually confirmed to pay them and their policy was "no refund shit"
  18. Oh please report his ass. It's been 3 months sharp. Tell him it's a PROMISE not a threat. We need to report this motherfucker. Oh my God, how tf can he go around & scam people like this while owning a fucking business? like officially?
  19. thank you so much babe. You're a savior Jesus fucking Christ, I thought it was just a vinyl delay, but i've just scrolled through reviews, this Neil dude is such a fucking ASSHOLE. Do I need to start a topic about this scamming store, so we can talk about it?
  20. thank you babe. I hope i can get my money back. Wasted 2 months for nothing. This fucking son of a bitch. By the way, what should i do with the consumer support tho? How can i do it?
  21. Damn, so what should i do if this is a scam? I lose my money for good?
  22. Thanks to you, I've just gone to see the reviews. Damn, most are negative reviews about their horrible customer services. And by the way, if there is only 100 copies & by the time i made an order, it should have been "not available", but instead i was still ale to purchase a copy from them, so what does that mean? Did i already pay for the vinyl or not?
  23. I think this is the only thing i've ever received from Horizons Music UK eversince. But I believe this is an auto email/message. The owner might not even send this email himself.
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