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Everything posted by BluebirdXO

  1. I'm not keen on the second idea, especially because she can get backlash. But number 1 and 3
  2. Did Iman back off? She said that she was working on another article about Lana, but it never saw the light of the day...
  3. Imagine her next album having a MV inspired by dinosaurs in the same way that COCC had one in wolves
  4. Can we go back to manifesting rock or hip hop, please?
  5. This song will be forever in my heart I also wanted to add another meaning for which hazel that I found: "A true symbol of protection Witch Hazel repels negative energy clearing the way for positive outcomes. Witch Hazel symbolism for protection. Acting as a talisman naturally just a small branch kept in the pocket even works. A true symbol of protection Witch Hazel repels negative energy clearing the way for positive outcomes. If harm is sent your way by another, Witch Hazel deflects and reflects the negative thoughts back at the person who is sending them. Foretelling such things as the state of health, wealth, love and romance. Witch Hazel has an uncanny knack for revealing the truth. Swaying people toward sharing their innermost feelings without inhibitions or fear of consequence. Placed in a meeting ensures an honest discussion. Witch Hazel: Masculine and Feminine Planet: Sun and Moon Element: Fire and Water" https://sentientmetaphysics.com/witch-hazel-symbolism/
  6. If the cover end up being a IGTV screenshot, I'll laugh till I choke
  7. The DT pic is so creepy. She looks dead and alive at the same time. I don't know why she decided to keep it
  8. Screenshot + Remini Queen
  9. Vedic astrology. I don't get into it, because it's not my style, but they say that they can
  10. Can astrology predict if the album is going to be released on June 1st or not? I know that it can predict if somebody might die. Can this apply for a record release?
  11. Candace gives me witch energy, but I still haven't figured it out the nature of it. She reminds me of that old lady from Tales of the City, with a strong 70's vibes
  12. I love this song and Beach House, but my username wasn't inspired by it. It came from a song called Bluebird that I used to overly play when I was a child. And I also love the whole symbology that relates the bluebird with happiness and how this is portrayed in books, movies and music. The song that inspired me: English Lyrics
  13. I need one emotional song like Fine China. The last record that made me cry was L4L with Change. I miss her beautiful lyricism and gorgeous melodies. Her writing lessons are not working. She should ask for her money back
  14. The first time that I saw this pic I thought that she was pinching her nipple
  15. Smelly Cat (Boom Like That Remix) - Feat. Niko and Topanga
  16. Today is Earth's day Lana, post something please
  17. Lana when June 1st comes and we ask her to release RCS:
  18. I still don't understand the necessity to give us a date if she doesn't plan to follow it. She likes to keep up hooked with the mere intention of living 24/7 in our heads I wouldn't be surprised if she starts a cult in a few years
  19. I forgot to say that I think that this is happening because the songs are personal. Most of the songs are about fame, the more upbeat ones are kinda generic and a little bit outdated and the love songs are not relatable (TJF), boring (LMLLW) or outshined (BUS). That's probably why people are not connecting with the album
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