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Everything posted by BluebirdXO

  1. If she doesn't post anything on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday I'll crush my hopes
  2. I think that it's because people are not going back to the album. They're listening a couple of times and are moving on
  3. I always thought that this line was for aesthetic or to say that someone is left wing. I'm curious to see if it really is about someone
  4. I would love a full album with songs like Bel Air, Fine China, Is This Happiness, Heroin and Change. But I don't know who could produce it without being boring/repetitive/uninspired
  5. We need a 5 minute video featuring her feet for this era
  6. I thought that she was going to post about Derek Chauvin sentence or something in George's Floyd memoir. Or she's tired of always getting unnecessary hate or she's busy with something else or she doesn't seem the purpose. I hope that it's the second and the thing that it's keeping her busy is RCS
  7. Why the insiders are so quiet? I just want to know if this is going to be another snooze fest or if she's going big again
  8. It's not because someone was your friend once, that you need to stay bonded for the rest of your life. Friendships can end for over a 100 different reasons. Marina and Lana seem to be quite different in their approach to life, maybe this got in the way? My aunt ended a 25+ year friendship because their political opinions didn't match. I ended one with a friend after travel. When it was time to leave, I wasn't finding my charger. I knew that it was somewhere in the room, but she kept saying that I put it in my bag. We left and the hotel called to say that a charger was left in the room. I couldn't keep being friends with someone that doubted my words. Even though I would love to know why they're not close anymore, I really doubt that it for a huge thing. I still think that it's due to different personalities
  9. I just hope that Charlie doesn't put his hands in her music videos. Just saw the video that he directed and now my eyes are bleeding
  10. I love how they put 2 videos to be released, so people will mostly like subscribe and wait to see if it's true or not. Marketing genius
  11. What if RCS is her hip hop magnum opus and that's why she said that she would challenge the thoughts on cultural appropriation?
  12. If it is, she can keep it. Because it's going to be just piano ballads, in a similar vibe to NFR and COCC
  13. BluebirdXO

    Melanie Martinez

    I think that it depends on how you see and perceive her work. Like, I don't see her aesthetic being childlike. I see her using childhood as a tool to tell stories. The only song from her that I see childlikeness is Training Wheels. But of course, this is free for personal interpretation and what each person consider as childlike aesthetic and feelings
  14. Do people really hate this album?
  15. If she does another lolita inspired song people would loose their minds, because no one would be expecting it. Time to manifest Cheap Thrills vibes again
  16. What the f*ck??? I hate internet trolls
  17. People really commented this on her twitter?
  18. Me every time that Lana deletes my favorite pics of her:
  19. Me too. The only reason I cry listening to it's because it's heavenly. My mother is more of a thinker than a feeler, so she sees things from a completely different standpoint than me. But I don't think that anyone besides her would think that Bel Air is depressing. It's like???
  20. I don't know. Nowadays having cosmetic procedures is as normal as changing clothes. I don't know why people would be embarrassed to talk about it. I really don't care if people have them or not. I just always twist my nose when it's facial because in 80% of the time, it will look bad in a few years
  21. I was thinking the same. She was always part of the A club and now it's a C/D? Weirdly they look natural, so I don't know
  22. The glasses from this era are so iconic ? And she's looking hotter than ever
  23. I just introduced Paradise to my mother and she thought that "My pussy taste like pepsi cola" was an iconic line. She hated everything else and thought that it was kinda incestuous for Lana to bring her father in Cola and asked me about her obsession with being a baby. I laughed my brains out. The saddest part of everything was her saying to me that Bel Air was the worst track and that it was depressing (???). Bel Air is easily one of my favorite tracks from Lana's discography. I'm feeling offended
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