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Everything posted by Flamingos

  1. Flamingos

    Taylor Swift

    It’s a good album, not a single skip on it. Glitch!!
  2. I love her voice! It‘s such a good album. Track 11 and 12 though!
  3. Flamingos


    Even though the music is pretty bombastic, Sigrid‘s voice is imo very weak on this album. Especially this high singing gets on my nerves. You hear she would sing off-key if she wouldn’t try to sing high. Expected so much more after seeing this strong album cover. Track no. 1 is my fav. DANCER could’ve been so much cooler if her voice was much stronger. Track 3 & 12 are ok too but I skipped most of the other songs. 😔
  4. Flamingos

    Noah Cyrus

    The Hardest Part, is coming on July 15 via RECORDS /Columbia ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️🔥
  5. Flamingos

    Ariana Grande

    Tun>Sweetener>k by now>the rest I have enjoyed all of her stuff though. Never get tired of it. NASA 🚀
  6. Me too!! 🤓 Can anyone tell me: for the portrait photo modus is it better to get an iPhone or an iPad? I can’t decide whether to get an iPad Pro or an iPhone 13 / Pro. 🤯
  7. Flamingos

    Dua Lipa

    Are there any plans Dua will release her current FN tour on DVD/BluRay or on Netflix, Disney, Apple TV etc? Have u heard anything? (I had tickets for 2020 but due to Corona it was postponed to 2021 and then again to 2022. I ended up giving my tickets back as I thought it won't take place and now everything is sold out.)
  8. Flamingos

    Miley Cyrus

    ‘Maybe‘ is so good! But not even one song from ‘Younger Now‘? 😔
  9. From my fav guitarist! LIMITED EDITION UKRAINE ITEMS – 100% of profits to Save the Children’s Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. https://hershelyatovitz.bigcartel.com/product/hy-here-to-play-ukraine I also support these organizations by donating: Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe Spendenkonto: Commerzbank IBAN: DE65 100 400 600 100 400 600 BIC: COBADEFFXXX Stichwort: ZDF Nothilfe Ukraine Online-Spenden: aktionsbuendnis-katastrophenhilfe.de Im Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe haben sich Caritas international, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, UNICEF und Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe zusammengeschlossen. Aktion Deutschland Hilft Spendenkonto: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft IBAN: DE62 3702 0500 0000 1020 30 Stichwort: Nothilfe Ukraine Aktion Kleiner Prinz Spendenkonto: Sparkasse Münsterland Ost IBAN DE46 4005 0150 0062 0620 62 BIC: WELADED1MST Stichwort: Ukraine Ärzte der Welt e.V. Spendenkonto: Deutsche Kreditbank IBAN: DE06 1203 0000 1004 3336 60 BIC: BYLADEM1001 Stichwort: Ukraine Björn Schulz Stiftung Spendenkonto: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft IBAN: DE34 1002 0500 0001 1456 00 BIC: BFSWDE33BER Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft Spendenkonto: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft IBAN: DE29 100 20 5000 100 20 5000 BIC: BFSWDE33BER Stichwort: Nothilfe Ukraine Online-Spenden: spenden.entwicklung-hilft.de Das Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft bilden Brot für die Welt, Christoffel-Blindenmission, DAHW, Kindernothilfe, medico international, Misereor, Plan International, terre des hommes, Welthungerhilfe sowie German Doctors und Oxfam.“ Franziskaner Helfen Spendenkonto: Sparkasse KölnBonn IBAN: DE83 3705 0198 0025 0014 47 BIC: COLSDE33XXX Stichwort: Nothilfe Ukraine Heilsarmee Spendenkonto: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft IBAN: DE82 3702 0500 0004 0777 00 Stichwort: Ukrainehilfe Online-Spenden: Ukraine-Nothilfe Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. Spendenkonto: Commerzbank IBAN: DE47 3708 0040 0240 0030 00 BIC: DRES DE FF 370 Stichwort: Ukraine Humedica e.V. Spendenkonto: Sparkasse Kaufbeuren IBAN: DE35 7345 0000 0000 0047 47 BIC: BYLADEM1KFB Stichwort: Ukraine Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. Spendenkonto: Pax-Bank IBAN: DE10 3706 0120 1201 2000 12 S.W.I.F.T.: GENODED 1PA7 Stichwort: "Ukraine-Hilfe“ Save the Children e. V. Spendenkonto: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft IBAN: DE92 1002 0500 0003 292912 BIC: BFSWDE33BER Stichwort: Nothilfe Kinder Ukraine SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit Spendenkonto: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank IBAN: DE22 4306 0967 2222 2000 00 Stichwort: „Humanitäre Hilfe Ukraine“ UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe Spendenkonto: Sparkasse Köln Bonn IBAN: DE78 3705 0198 0020 0088 50 BIC: COLSDE33 Stichwort: Nothilfe Ukraine Online-Spenden über: uno-fluechtlingshilfe.de 💙💛🇺🇦
  10. Flamingos

    Charli XCX

    Yuck / Beg for you ❤️
  11. Docu on Disney this month, a new song soon, and she’s been working on album number 2. Ready! Still sad I didn’t get a ticket for her European tour this spring. 😭
  12. Flamingos


    The album cover looks so good! Not a big fan of Mirror, but the other 2 singles are amazing. The tracklist sounds promising. It’ll be out 3 days before my birthday. I can’t wait!
  13. What I write and how I mean it and how you read/understand/interpret my stuff are 2 different pairs of shoes. In no way I have ever done any Russian war propaganda here. I know I have many questions, we all post facts, our impressions and feelings, speculations. That’s what I have done too. And the first part of my last comment was soley about Putin - the impression he makes on me, NOT about Russia. But whatever is wrong with him, and I guess you all agree that at least mentally nothing is ok with that guy, NOTHING justifies a war! (I don’t know if that guy has physical probs too, he looks very bloated like he would take meds (or his is on drugs) and I noticed there have been articles and speculations about his health for quite some time. This is what I meant when I said it kinda feels like he has nothing to lose, like his days are numbered, and he knows it. Again this is only my impression and that doesn’t justify what he has done. Just to quote a Ukrainian woman: ‘bad health and a short life for Putin!‘ I agree!!) Stay Safe Everyone ❤️
  14. Already on Feb 24 during Putin‘s speech I had the feeling this guy has nothing to lose. Now threatening again using nuclear weapons due to sanctions against Russia, I don‘t have words. I hope everyone in Russia, folk, politicians, army, simply everyone in Russia will finally wake up and see how crazy and sick Putin really is. Who can stop him? I hope anyone can… 💔
  15. ok, thank you For everyone who speaks German - all updates here: https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/ukraine-russland-konflikt-blog-100.html
  16. Flamingos

    Billie Eilish

    I can watch it over and over and over. She should rule the world.
  17. Yes, I know Trump said it. But he also implied if he was still the President of the US there would not have been an invasion. It‘s interesting to hear that. And I thought it‘s interesting to hear what you guys think about it…
  18. I wonder if there would have been an invasion if Trump was still the President of the US and Angela Merkel still Germany‘s chancellor. What are your thoughts about it? (I know it‘s a very unrealistic scene but I wish there was an upper age limit and term limits for all politicians worldwide or at least for all heads of state. I am sick of 70/80+ grandpas thinking they can play god whenever they want it.)
  19. It’s wishful thinking, and perhaps I will get banned for saying it, but I hope Putin will die in this war. He‘s a monster! All news from the Ukraine are so disturbing and painful. 💔 I sit in front of my TV crying and cannot imagine how hard it must be for those innocent people involved fighting for their lives, homes, for their country. I hope the neighbor countries will help as best as they can, as soon as they can. Praying and talking doesn’t help, it’s time to take action! I wonder if Angela Merkel will do or say anything like Gerhard Schröder already did…
  20. Flamingos

    Billie Eilish

    Talented Cutie! Billie Eilish - Live at Firefly Music Festival 2021(Full Show) - YouTube Billie Eilish | Live In Las Vegas 2021 [Full Concert] - YouTube
  21. Not a single skip on it! Absolute favorites: Less than zero Out of time I heard you‘re married Dawn FM They are all so good. 👑
  22. Albums: Lorde: Solar Power Billie: Happier Than Ever Olivia: Sour Song & Video: Pandemic Blues by Chris Isaak
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