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Everything posted by fl0r1dakil0s

  1. ?? Those aren't real they photoshopped tears in her eyes
  2. This is a good thing though 😭 Way more likely she will win + she still has SOME chance for SOTY (and AOTY perhaps)
  3. If they just made said hits they're not coming out until way after the country album so 😭 Unless she's gonna be featured on one of his songs
  4. Ricardo giving manic (rabid?) heroin chic.. he is ON something but I live!! And miss velvet tropic squeezing in the photo PLS
  5. Sooo three of her nominations are going to be announced at this pre-show On the bright side, she'll hopefully already be going in w a Grammy so she won't care if she wins/loses a main category
  6. Someone asked her on a twitter space and she said a Lana collab would be "OD" and "dope" but it hasn't happened yet
  7. GENEVA'S LEG HAIR OH MY And not Ru ALREADY promoting his new album four episodes in He just can't help himself
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