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Everything posted by fl0r1dakil0s

  1. like.. yeah lmfao go ahead and show me one study that supports the hypothesis that universal healthcare is feasible in the US
  2. vote me for lipster of the year thank u in advance divas
  3. uh yea?? obviously?? the stories i've been reading are tragic and horrendous and i feel horrible for anybody who has lost a family member because their healthcare wasn't covered. but murdering the CEO of the company will not achieve anything. it won't make united accept more claims and it won't bring anybody dead back. all it did was add more suffering to the world lol the idea that you are proposing is not universal healthcare, it's a hybrid system of multi-payer healthcare (which would never work in the US--not only economically which has been proven by economists time and time again-- but because such a significant change requires overwhelming bipartisan support - enacting a multi-payer system would carry an exorbitant amount of overhead costs with it which republicans would obviously never agree to, not to mention the declining quality of care it has been proven a multi-payer system fosters). under universal healthcare, it never works out in the way that those who want to pay more for private care are able to do so. under a true single-payer healthcare system (what medicare for all would be and the definition of "universal healthcare") the role of private insurance completely changes and becomes only supplemental to the public system. private insurance would be limited to supplemental coverage and non-essential services (1m+ jobs would be lost from just this). this is because supporters of the universal healthcare system argue that in order for "equity" to be maintained, there cannot be a two-tier system where people have the option to pay more for better essential services, as they think it would inevitably lead to inequality (they claim the public option would not be able to provide the same level of care as the private). this fairytale multi-payer system that sounds great in theory but is practically impossible would also counteract a lot of what it is intended to do. for example a lot of people's main argument in support of universal healthcare is that a single-payer system allows the government to directly negotiate with pharma companies/healthcare providers to lower the costs of things. fragmenting the system into a multi-payer system would make it so private insurers could continue negotiating independently, which would leave the public government service with less leverage. also, for the government to properly handle this fragmentation of countless insurance companies, all with different networks, cost structures, and coverage options, they would have to enact so much government intervention in private businesses that it would basically be like replacing one bureaucracy with another. the government should not have that power, and they definitely do not have that money i'm also not sure where you guys are getting this notion that universal healthcare means that people's claims will not be denied. that is literally comical. the only difference is that instead of insurance companies deciding what claims get accepted, a group of people on each state's health board would do so. procedures this board deem too expensive or not necessary will obviously get denied. and this won't just happen to actually unnecessary procedures. look at the UK for example, where most CCG's (group who oversees public healthcare in the UK) have restricted cataracts surgery as a "procedure of limited clinical value". also, universal/multi-payer healthcare would unequivocally increase wait times for all sorts of services. more than a quarter million people in the UK have been waiting over six months for medical treatment and almost 25% of cancer patients do not start treatment on time despite urgent referrals. when we look at the statistics of survivors of cancer in the US vs the UK (83% of people in the UK live five years after a prostate cancer diagnosis, 97% do in the US), the effects of this are clear. in the US, free markets work. universal/multi-payer healthcare does not. and even if a multi-payer system in the US was theoretically possible, which it is not, the economic implications are undeniably devastating: https://www.mercatus.org/research/working-papers/costs-national-single-payer-healthcare-system
  4. actually i think nobody has the "right" to the labor of another human being. healthcare requires highly specialized human labor https://www.forbes.com/sites/sallypipes/2021/10/25/single-payer-will-worsen-healthcare-workers-plight/#
  5. like sunshine and lollipops. the overwhelming communal praise and worship for a murderer (in certain spaces...) is insane. anybody who thinks this is the "first step" in some sort of healthcare revolution needs to get a grip sooner rather than later. all this is going to do is increase security measures and stop CEO's from engaging with the public (which would obviously massively slow any kind of structural change in a company). i also think a lot of you fail to understand that when someone is a CEO of a huge company like united healthcare they do not really have any power. decisions are not theirs. all CEO's of companies like that do is uphold and enforce the desires of their board. a wife and two sons did not deserve to lose their husband and father to a mentally unwell assassin and if you think they did you have some sort of mental problem like luigi clearly does
  6. my prayers are with brian thompsons family. luigi needs to go to prison expeditiously. hope he rots
  7. this tweet and the replies r sending me i need them to find out she HEXED trump
  8. fl0r1dakil0s


  9. it would be so ugly with black borders around it 😭 lana would never
  10. the instagram post image is obviously not the actual album cover
  11. i mean it won't FLOP 😭 it's gonna give blue banisters era numbers without the streaming success of dealer
  12. it's not going to be a commercial success but that's okay 😭
  13. Santa Sangre (1989) - such a gorgeous film
  14. azealia banks just tweeted an essay thinking lana is a trump supporter because of a fake screenshot
  15. ur reaching. that's very much not the same sentence? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ein Volk%2C ein Reich%2C ein Führer
  16. because trump obviously supports israel more than kamala and a vote for a third party is a vote for trump.. not saying i agree but it does make sense
  17. theater kids continuing to find ways to make everything about them well after high school
  18. azealia splitting her ballot is sending me for some reason like okkk democratic senator
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