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Everything posted by SoftwareUpgrade

  1. No. Or it's done on purpose to generate aggregate demand?
  2. > When 2 Brazilians with a VPN, an Aussie Discord scalping group, and a partridge in a pear tree got to the stock first
  3. #VINDICATED LDRCrave = Lies, Defamation, Regression ....Crave
  4. Kylie Minogue has the most viewed Capital appearance so far (Padam Padam) 186k views yup yup Let's show CGYOOMH some love too 11k views
  5. To be fair, when isn't Twitter "dragging" something
  6. Oh Okey, just wanted to check because some Lipsters do it on accident Not wikileaks !!!
  7. I'm just letting you know that your petition has your real name attached, idk if you care but I'm reminding you in case you do <3
  8. SoftwareUpgrade


    Saying Ayesha 3 times in front of the Lipster mirror
  9. Sorry if this was discussed/mocked ad nauseam, but here is an archive of the joke petition to "BRING HONEYMOON INSTA BACK": (Archive dot ph links seem to not mesh with firefox, sorry, archive dot is links usually work though) Random Tweet mentioning the petition: https://archive.ph/qMumw Change dot org main page: https://archive.ph/JOYSA Change petition COMMENTS from said page: https://archive.ph/Ckk3U ***May edit in Wayback Machine links later (spoilered) This still doesn't top the "FREE LUSTFORLIFE petition"
  10. It is still fun to archive their BS Also, yes! @hotshot2am is a great Lipster
  11. Okay either they excluded their handle from the wayback machine or deleted it right as it was mid-archive.... Here is a ghetto SS of the embed, my other archive is still pending Their other tweet (in reply to this) was along the lines of "If they get me blablablabla" didn't read shit after the first 3 words lol Direct copy paste text: "If I go down at least remember i went down looking out for you guys, I would have posted on my main if it wasnt for the armies. All good though nobody knows anything right :)" Idk if they're trolling but, here it is anyways
  12. OHHHH tracklist, not a numerical ranking- sorry b
  13. Check the link I posted above ^ I MIGHT be remembering wrong, I just swear there was some clickabit drama and them being like "JUST KIDDING 🤣🤣🤣🤣" and everyone was like "oh...." Obviously I'm being hyperbolic with the word "drama", we all forgot about it the next day. I was on Insta and heard it there
  14. Was the album THAT good to you, or did you just change your mind after ranking
  15. Archives (if it does go down in 5 mins) Edit: Deleted
  16. I cannot tell because I always get "misaged", my b , sorry tiktok zoomers
  17. Huh? Didn't a while back had a clickbait/troll scandal- either 2020 or 2021, do y'all remember?! I just KNOW it happened
  18. Hello Lipsters, another daily trip to the insane asylum section of this site (Sky Ferreira thread). I always laugh in here "All my careers die" HA
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