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Everything posted by Honeyyoung

  1. i know i wasn't talking about you, just this concept in general of excrutizing someone because of dumb shit they said in their teen years
  2. can you guys grow up... she was literally 16 when she tweeted this, twitter gays at that age do so much worse
  3. @Kintsugi does she sample an unreleased track or a released track and how does she do it? (lyric interpolation, literal instrument sample)
  4. can someone ask him about the other interlude? is it like another burnt norton but longer or is it actual music?
  5. i hope miss judah doesn't say anything that would get her in trouble on the interlude
  6. you are the devil incarnate. fire shall lay upon the lives of all your significant ones. you are burdened for eternity.
  8. of course, but when they're pressured to do "appealing music for the masses", it's dishonest and worse then making an album that doesn't top the charts, but is desired by that artist. lana could absolutely make incredible pop music that resonated with the gp, but she wants to make incredible singer-songwriter music, whether its streaming numbers are high or not
  9. an artist making music for the sole purpose of getting massive streams without wanting to make this type of music is sadder then a flop album
  10. streams only count if you listen to more then half of the song though, so the song had to be interesting for atleast some people so that they don't skip it
  11. god i asked for a meal and you gave me a feast
  12. not the tunnel under ocean blvd going back to being forgotten.. lana do something challenge
  13. isn't that the story that they sent adele's producer to listen to ultraviolence and he said it sounded great?
  14. put me in a movie is probably her most disturbing song. it's good but it just feels like a song that would play in a horror movie about abuse against young girls, just the way she sings it is so vulnerable and sad
  15. not lana on ktla lmaoo free promo everywhere with one billboard and one instagram post
  16. i can't believe you think miss califlopnia is better then crazy for you...
  17. there was not one single album rollout where she didn't have any controversy (maybe except for honeymoon but it might be because i don't remember it) and it always payed off. if QFTC didn't destroy her carrer, a billboard on her ex's hometown sure fucking won't
  18. my mom was listening to her little 80's music playlist and she doesn't have spotify premium, so she has to listen to ads. imagine my surprise when DYKTTATUOB started playing, followed by "sad songs to cry to until you dehydrate"
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