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Everything posted by Gravitate

  1. I have a feeling we're getting INHA tomorrow. She did promise a release like 3 years ago. It's never too late girl!
  2. Gravitate


    I think the album is going to be Book 1. I don't think it will be the full title, maybe like Book 1: XYZ or something. I think it's a way of saying this album is going to be the first in a storyline she is creating
  3. Yup, new snippet on TikTok is definitely a bop and the choreography was on point. I would say I gained my faith back in this project, but I never lost it to begin with. Tears In The Club is an absolute banger and gets better every listen. Really hope the rumors are true and her album is coming next month. Still need to listen to the first album before MAGDALENE though, I checked out her live performances and became obsessed with her vogue choreography for "Give Up." Really really want to see her live now. I've probably watched it a million times: There is absolutely nothing this woman can't do. She is pure talent
  4. Gravitate


    Do people really care what he considers bad or good music? He's literally a random man on the internet giving his opinion, anyone can do that. Idc what college degree you have, I care more about what Ajay thinks than some pretentious white dude who obviously has a negative bias towards a majority of artists he reviews
  5. Gravitate


    WHAT THE HELL? I was not expecting this much of a serve I didn't think Grimes had this much BUDGET. It does not feel like 6 minutes, it feels like a whole movie. This video deserves some type of award cause gawd. Is it too late for the Grammy's? I've loved POG since it came out and idrm its generic beat and personally I like that it was purposefully made to sound like a 2000s basic club song, but the song at the ending has me in a fucking chokehold. WHY DIDN'T SHE RELEASE THAT ONE FIRST? But I can't forget the true magnum opus of this era, I can only pray Shinigami Eyes still makes it on the album. Even though I'm starting to think she's creating her own universe with this album and probably doesn't want to put a song about a totally different story on there
  6. Gravitate

    Britney Spears

    Britney has posted to Instagram and announced she has a new song in the works! Ready for whatever she has planned for us! Honestly expected her to understandably retire or take a long break but I'm super stoked to hear new AUTHENTIC Britney Spears music. She is coming to dominate as always
  7. OH MY GODDD YES We need a Mary Magdalene serve
  8. Gravitate

    Song vs. Song

    UFB VS. Cinnamon Girl
  9. Wait, there are people who don't like the BTD production?
  10. The way us Lana stans never lose. We got 2 albums in less than a year, already being teased with the next, and we're getting multiple unreleased songs in 4 days. Lipsters are truly the luckiest fandom
  11. I wonder if BOZ will be giving us a Christmas present this year like Honeymoun?
  12. Basically, BOZ tweeted these lyrics: "I think that you're sweet like rock candy Wild like beaches that leave me sandy" He confirmed that the song is not Loved You Then And Now and he also said it does not have to do with the RCS she teased in June, that she is reusing the line. We now know it is also not a collab that is coming in Feb. Lana wore a jacket similar to the one she wore in the NFR era that had "DNC" instead of "Venice" which led us to believe it is an acronym for the next album title. Most people think it will stand for Del Norte County.
  13. Rock Candy Sweet is 3 words... DNC is 3 words... Del Norte County has an area of 1,230 miles... 3 represents harmony, wisdom, and understanding... 333 indicates that you are on the right path despite doubt... So we are on the right path to understanding the release date... In conclusion, Del Norte County is coming out in 3 months
  14. I wonder if this could possibly be the "cute" collaboration he mentioned might come in Feb? "I think that you're sweet like rock candy Wild like beaches that leave me sandy" Rock Candy Sweet (feat. Brian Wilson from The Beach Boys) coming Feb. 2022
  15. I just meant since BOZ usually likes songs that aren't stripped back I'm assuming it's going to sound like NFR more than BB/COCC.
  16. I think this album will have a similar production to Cinnamon Girl or Tulsa. Kinda like experimental sounds with the addition of a natural guitar or piano that gives a nice contrast (does this make sense?) One of my favorite moments in Lana's discography is the bridge of Cinnamon Girl. The hard bass is so unexpected and different from the rest of the album that you're forced to remember the melody after listening just once. I feel like LDR9 is going to be tracks like that. Unforgettable, new, and iconic.
  17. YESSSS Rock Candy Sweet making a comeback. I wonder if it will be a new song titled RCS or if she just wanted to re-use the line? I feel like the new RCS won't be about going against the media and striking back like it was originally. Whatever it is, I'm fucking excited. If BOZ likes it, it is GOOD and has a NFR type production def
  18. I think we can all agree that U.F.B. deserves leak of the year
  19. Gravitate, only being an active user on LanaBoards for under 3 months, has already amassed a content count of 226 and a community reputation of a whopping 1,051 In conclusion, nominate Gravitate for Best New Member
  20. I was thinking the same thing. I wanna know what that font is called
  21. The way I opened LanaBoards as soon as this was posted Nominate Gravitate for earliest member
  22. Gravitate

    Melanie Martinez

    Why is that cover art edit kinda cute though? Minus the green hair
  23. I still always sing "Let me fuck you hard in the pouring rain"
  24. In Queen of the Gas Station she says, "C'mon, kitty cat, fill her up" I thought it was, "C'mon kick it, fill her up"
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