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Everything posted by Gravitate

  1. This is extremely weird. Digging through her music trying to find symptoms to diagnose her with a disorder is invasive and incredibly creepy. It's her life, not ours. We should not be digging this deep into lyrics to try and fit them into a puzzle to get a conclusion. It is obvious you're looking for evidence to fit a narrative and not looking at evidence and coming to a conclusion which makes this 100x more fucking weird. If she has BPD and wanted us to know, she would share it and that's good for her if she's comfortable with that. If she has it and doesn't want us to know, then that's her right. What is the point of this?
  2. I personally do not like the recent trend of artists working with only 1 producer on a whole album, but I am nowhere near mad at another Jack-featured album. I know some people were disappointed with the COCC production, but I feel like Lana wanted the album to be more lowkey and not as intense sonically as NFR, not Jack. It is a nice contrast and follow up. Producers do not have full control over how a song sounds, the artist tells them the vibe and they do what they feel fits or they work together. I'm sure if Lana asked for another NFR, he would have given her one. Or if Lorde asked for another Melodrama, he would've given her one
  3. Gravitate

    Lady Gaga

    Text You Pictures is okay.... I had no idea this song was being hoarded for 11 years but damn the wait would not have been worth it for me Also, imagine dropping 2k on a song then it leaks a day after
  4. I agree, I think she’s getting ready for another big release. One with a lot of promo and singles maybe. I think it’s going to become a career-defining album for Lana. One as well-known as BTD or NFR. I think we will hear a style from Lana we haven’t heard in a long time or something completely new. Jack is a very talented producer in my unpopular opinion, and I believe that him and Lana always create magic together. Also, welcome to LanaBoard! I noticed you are new here
  5. Trolling or not, it is extremely fucked up and weird. How immature do you have to be to disrespect a woman mourning a family member's death all for attention? I swear, these Twitter trolls really must have no friends or life in the real world (cause who would want to associate with a person like that) so they desperately seek attention online and put on some baddie-troll persona when in reality they're an anti-social, awkward gay boy and probably get dumped into trash cans at school
  6. Uhm you need to become a journalist or something!! This is so true. The wave of new Lana fans on TikTok has been a both positive and negative thing. There’s of course new fans coming in that found her music and support Lana and then you have those (the majority imo) that are obsessed with her older songs and are only “fans” because they have this lolita sugar daddy fantasy and they believe that Lana’s music is all about that. I can’t stand it. They’re making a bad image for someone they claim to be a fan of. It’s awful. I’ll say this: I’ve been listening to Lana since I was 9 years old. Almost half my life. Never have I thought that her music was encouraging or glamorizing any topic she sung about. Even me, as a child, could understand that obviously her music was not supporting the behavior. It’s really harmful that people are spreading the idea that old Lana was purposefully making songs about serious issues as a way to glamorize them or make them seem romantic. It’s making Lana seem like a bad person. If anything, Lana’s music helped me as a child. I seriously don’t know what I would be without her. She has been a huge influence in my life and it really hurts me to see people saying that her music is spreading a bad message just because they won’t take a minute to look at her lyrics and will instead follow a 15 second TikTok clip.
  7. I would do anything to go back to the pre-release of this album. It was such a magical time. Listening to the “Cinnamon” and HIAB snippets on repeat, the excitement of finding out TNBAR was going to be included, hearing Hope for the first time. NFR clicked instantly first listen. Every single track. Which is really rare for me with most albums. I’ll never understand how Lana does it. Her vocals and writing are beyond amazing and this album proves it. I remember every morning listening to MAC on the way to school then coming home and practicing it on piano. It was the only song I listened to for weeks. What a perfect album.
  8. One of the worst criticisms I’ve ever heard about Lana’s music is that “it all sounds the same.” I honestly can’t imagine any song from UV being on Honeymoon and those albums were like a year apart. I feel like all her albums are super different from one another in the production and meaning. I get she has some recurring phrases and imagery but like.. Lust For Life and Chemtrails sound the same? Cmon now Edit: Now realizing this is the unpopular opinions thread. Probably not unpopular sorry
  9. Chemtrails Over the Country Club is such a beautiful album title
  10. Gravitate

    Melanie Martinez

    I don't know how well a break would help her voice since she really doesn't perform live all that often. I mean, she went off of tour for a few years after Cry Baby and still her voice was damaged on the K-12 tour. I think the smoking kind of damaged her voice to the point where it's going to be forever challenging (not impossible) for her to perform live at big shows with dancing/loud instruments. She is still a really great singer, but she doesn't do well with a lot of movement + singing (not a lot of people can tbh) She should definitely seek professional training to help with her vocals on tour, iirc didn't she say she has always practiced just by herself? I think getting vocal training could help her improve a lot and fix some of the damage caused by the smoking.
  11. Norman Fucking Rockwell: The Bird World Edition
  12. My history teacher played this song during class a few years ago and it has became one of my favorites. Definitely recommend everyone to give it a listen. So extremely powerful & heartbreaking
  13. Call me dumb but I honestly don't know what bombastic means in music terms I thought it was a negative thing like try hard fake-deep or something. Does it just mean over the top?
  14. I'm gonna guess bombastic is meaning that the songs will have a lot going on in the production, but the lyrics will be more of a fun side of Lana. I really hope we get these "bombastic" songs on the next album. Jack is honestly a good producer when he tries, even if sometimes his sound is too bare. Excited to hear this album Pronouns are on everyone's info for a reason. It's literally right there you can't see their user without seeing their pronouns. Don't be a dick Already fake tracklists on Dbree too!
  15. I always thought MAGDALENE would make a good musical after the sad day music video. She would know how to do it so well. Unlike Melanie and Halsey (love them), she doesn’t include the whole song and edited it to go along with the visuals almost as if it’s background music that helps the feel of the scene instead of like a music video if that makes sense. Imo that would be perfect
  16. Oh... this song slaps Twigs verse obviously superior but Weeknd was a nice addition to the song. I need to listen to the other singles she’s put out this year. The last project I listened from her was MAGDALENE from 2019 and loved it.
  17. Gravitate

    Melanie Martinez

    This is the type of artwork I want for the MM3 tracks. Something new for Melanie's music, however still matching her vintage rococo aesthetic she's had since 2017. I think this style would go perfectly with this album's light vs. dark theme. Light, easy brush strokes telling a dark story about sirens and dragons.
  18. This song gives me such a gut-wrenching dread feeling but I love it. I can’t help but to cry every time it comes on, especially the acoustic demo. How does she do it?
  19. Gravitate


    Solar Power and NFR! sound absolutely nothing alike. Aside from one of the albums being trash and the other being not, they really do not sound the same at all. I could not see a single song from SP being on NFR and the same vice-versa. I swear y’all took that one melody that sounded similar and ran with it
  20. Lana and Mike have definitely worked on more songs. WFWF's production alone deserves a Grammy. If the theories are true and he's the main producer on LDR9, I truly believe she is right in saying it will be better than Blue Banisters
  21. Just to lighten up the mood, here's a joke Miley posted on Instagram last night about Lana. I thought it was a pretty good dad joke: Hope Lana is doing well and to all the dicks who were being disrespectful in her comments: FUCK YOU!
  22. Gravitate

    Melanie Martinez

    If Faerie Soiree isn't the first track I'm gonna have a word with Melanie. It's the perfect album opener
  23. I understand, I think it's a language thing. It's not super uncommon for women to call themselves girls because it's mostly not seen as an age thing more just as gender. So a woman could still say "I am a girl" in English and it make sense and not be weird lol. Sorry for going kind of off topic
  24. Idk if this is about my comment or not but I wasn't trying to age shame her. I just meant that she's 36 now and has grown since she started making music so obviously she wouldn't still create the same songs with the same theme as a decade ago.
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