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Everything posted by hotshot2am

  1. No, it's fake because it doesn't get recognised by the music recognition website The whole album got uploaded there in November according to BoZ so any legit snippet would show green. I can't believe that we are still arguing that this person is Lana
  2. fake.m4a is the "pulled me through" snippet, the .mp3 one is a legit LDR9 snippet for comparison. It was just someone making fake snippets to advertise their own music on Twitter.
  3. the fake snippet that has been debunked countless times now
  4. marred, not married marred makes more sense to me than mind in this context
  5. Some Lana news accounts are now posting about the Tibetan throat singing and it's all my fault for not clarifying that he was joking about the name
  6. 5:48 of automative meditative tibetan throat singing or whatever she called it, stun This is how BoZ described Fingertips
  7. I scanned the snippet and it doesn't get detected, it's not on the album and it was never registered for any other project.
  8. Fake and we know because we figured out who created them.
  9. We had 3 snippets, we could have figured out the title of the Tunnel song, Fingertips and Candy Necklace since around November.
  10. As far as I remember he only said we can figure out the Candy Necklace title, not the long acronym.
  11. Whatever website it is, it's not indexed on Google. I went through all results. Or it's an image.
  12. This only works if someone blurs text with a specific photoshop filter, which doesn't apply to the tracklist since it's simply low resolution.
  13. The website is a bit user unfriendly but otherwise it's just uploading snippet files and entering the different codes (ISRC / ACRID) and seeing what happens.
  14. Unfortunately no, they don't allow looking up songs with the ISRC until it is marked as released, or shortly before release. The ACRID is required which we can only get from scanning a snippet.
  15. We need snippets to access the song data, Fingertips and Candy Necklace is all we have
  16. How does Lana find the creativity to write a 1:20h long album in less than year? I'm always surprised how she never ran out of ideas.
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