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Everything posted by Demonmic03

  1. I’d put million dollar man and diet mtn dew as bonus tracks Same
  2. as the title says if you cant think of everything just choose 2 things shed do
  3. i love it and yeah i mean i like so am i but i feel it sounds way too simaller to sweet but psycho
  4. lol yeah i was trying to tell a story and thought lolita worked
  5. Born To Die Born To Die Lolita Off To The Races Radio Video Games National Anthem Summertime Sadness Dark Paradise Blue Jeans Carmen This Is What Makes Us Girls i didn’t know where to put million dollar man or diet mtn dew
  6. I read somewhere on here that from a paradise edition of btd video it featured and early version of the Tracklist and this what the track list was (excluding burning desire and Hollywood)
  7. Paradise (Deluxe Edition) Ride Cola American Gods And Monsters Body Electric (Paradise Tour Version) Blue Velvet Bel Air Yayo Hollywood Burning Desire Note: I used the original tracklist and added hollywood and burning desire to it
  8. For me it’s an Lana Del Rey aka Lizzy Grant rerelease where she would re-recorded and re produce all the songs (including yayo) and maybe adds like 2-3 outtakes on it. Also I’d rename the album to just aka Lizzy Grant
  9. promise me its the second demo of alien love the ideas btw
  10. https://dbree.org/v/0f8d71 this is what im listening to
  11. Just a question I want to rearrange blue banisters, Chemtrails and other lana albums what order should I rearrange them in?
  12. Demonmic03

    Ava Max

    I’m vibing to cold as ice I remastered and fixed it as best as I could
  13. I’m manifesting fine China on this album reworked
  14. I didn’t like it so I didn’t add it.
  15. Say Yes To Heaven if it’s like Chemtrails and blue banisters but if not then nothing.
  16. AVA MAX: B-Sides And Unreleased Freaking Me Out Blood, Sweat, Tears Love Me Bad Come Home Slippin' (feat. Gashi) On Somebody Try Again Spinning Around Anyone But You No Déjà Vu Anything I Want My Way Not Your Barbie Girl
  17. This Song Will Never Age For Me.
  18. lolita demo 4 (Dan grechs version) is a ten but the final aka album version make it a 7
  19. Folklore The 1 The Last Great American Dynasty Cardigan Exile (feat. Bon Iver) My Tears Ricochet Illicit Affairs August Betty Peace Hoax The Lakes
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