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wilting daisy

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Everything posted by wilting daisy

  1. father john misty!!! florence welch!! joan baez! but lana is always at her best without collabs so here's to hoping she is flying solo on this journey!! also it is best when she collabs with people i have never heard of b4 so there are less expectations
  2. but if lana counts violet isnt that all that matters? i would think it would make most sense to count them however lana counts them since there are so many different ways to count them but i dont mean to cause trouble sorry
  3. why is this thread still ldr9 after lana confirmed its ldr10? not trying to be rude sorry if im out of line
  4. i love aka & i call it her first album but i think she is excluding it because she had it pulled from circulation. i would think she's counting paradise. its only an ep but then violet is only an audiobook but in lana's eyes (and ours!) they are both proper albums. if we count aka i guess this would be ldr11 but i say lets count em like lana does! so here comes ldr10! also the snippet is very beautiful. reminds me of white dress & black bathing suit. i feel like there will be something special about this album since it is number 10. very exciting!
  5. i'm new & there's no way i'm reading thru over 300 pages so could someone please catch me up on everything we know about the new album please & thank u
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