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Everything posted by Semafori

  1. I mean shit they’re ready to kill each other over sth that doesn’t affect their lives in the slightest
  2. 3 weeks ago when was the last time you drank water from a hose?
  3. gatekeeping much? jokes aside here is the playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/65Xh4On7GGJAJ8NuxK9Lqc?si=5abd14b11b964eb9 (shes also technically my most scrobbled artist ever since i started using Last.FM a year or so ago )
  4. idk someone said it was a thing so i got curious lol i already have my own version of her catalogue
  5. lana del rey fans on the way to connect the most random shit together with a mix of mental gymnastics to theorize about upcoming releases
  6. Now i really understand this is just an emotion based argument, you could have just told me before, lovely day 👍
  7. Tell them that America is nothing but an imperialist state who slaughters people, because of course you dont even know of the atrocities caused towards those nations , where the us came in to prevent a much larger ethnic cleansing of muslims in eastern europe.
  8. Go tell that to the bosnians and albanians in the balkans
  9. Chelsea Hotel No 2 is her best cover . Change my mind .
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