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About Starline

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  1. i really hope for the whole truth to come out from this hell of a nightmare this guy has put me into.
  2. maybe cuz we were friends until you literally wanted me to commit suicide? the way you dmed several people asking for sky content? sabotaging melanie and poppy's material and then pretending you didn't put your finger on everything? being a mod on THE HOLY MOUNTAIN and telling lies about me? creating swamperella to be the "sky saviour"? also, wtf is inspect elementing gurl??????
  3. true! certified by jackk and his psycho mind! tbh, you're so immature, look at the way you're portraying urself here bby
  4. damn jack, you're really living inside your own lies, little lamb @111 take care of yourself cuz some haters are willing to go GREAT lengths to be like you
  5. the amount of brain cells left burning right now. liars gonna lie.
  6. changing the subjetct again because of the poor guy?
  7. gurl u literally doxxed mountain just because he refused to give you og files.
  8. poor melanie martinez fan, i'm really sorry for your brain loss...
  9. hi @Coloringbooks, sick of threatening me on multiple alts? u using VPN again cuz u're afraid to lose your """reputation"""?
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