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Everything posted by notthatdreamy

  1. "Walk in the way of my soft resurrection Idol of roses, iconic soul I know your name Lead me to war with your brilliant direction" vs. "Gramma said she'll leave the lights on for me Gramma said the flags are waving for me Gramma said that somewhere out there There's a good man, waiting for me"
  2. If she needs time to recover and can't work on new music right now, this would be a good time for that unreleased collection... I am waiting
  3. notthatdreamy

    Melanie Martinez

    The thing I've always loved most about Melanie is her visuals but this era is really losing me in terms of those :/ She has the talent to do better, I doubt she's lacking the funds to do better, so I wonder what gives?
  4. notthatdreamy

    Melanie Martinez

    This please I cannot be stuck listening to that live recording that sounds like ass for the rest of my life
  5. Her girlfriend is very cute and all but I need the next thing she posts to be an announcement for the release of die Life.
  6. This is going to be very random and probably has been discussed before but I still want to throw this out there: What she did with L+F had to be deliberate (it is in my own reality where Marina isn't just a complete airhead nowadays) and if so, it's genius. The shallow lyrics, the hollow sound, the childish and worrying conclusions she comes to and seems very earnest about... Ugh, her mind. Such a sinister album and a perfect parody, just like Electra Heart. Obviously not on the same level but they had the same intention and I dare say they are equally as genius. I feel like people miss the point so hard with L+F, just like they seemed to initially do with EH. The parallels of it all, she is a mastermind... Not to even mention the outtakes and how they contrast the album perfectly and add so much to the sinister vibe. She meant for those to leak, I could go as far as to say she leaked them herself. Everything just fits together so perfectly. It would be very hard to pull all that off on accident. I could write an essay where I present my thoughts way more cohesively and in a way that actually makes sense but I'm dead tired so maybe some other day. Definitely coming back to this though. This has been your daily dose of delusion and psychosis in the Marina thread, you are welcome.
  7. Listening to audiobooks, while not the same thing as reading a book, is still a valid form of enjoying literature. Admittedly, I used to be of the opinion they don't count as reading but then a family member went blind and could only enjoy books as audiobooks and I realized how dumb I'd been. I think a lot of people forget about blind or otherwise disabled people when dissing audiobooks. This depends a bit on your country but it's way too easy (especially as an established author) to get some complete bullshit published and the market is very oversaturated as a consequence. There should be a yearly limit or something, we don't need new books at this rate. Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion anymore but most classics suck. They're boring and far too long and the themes and ideas in most of them have been explored in far more compelling ways in more contemporary works. This is coming from someone who has read and still reads a lot of classic literature. I do think being familiar with the classics is important but reading them is mostly a chore for me.
  8. notthatdreamy

    Melanie Martinez

    I need every Crybaby outtake to ever exist and I need it yesterday that would be all thank you
  9. Will these people ever respect Lana enough to stop speculating about such an incredibly sensitive topic? There's literally people in the comments writing whole ass conspiracy theories about how certain songs are "clearly" about an abortion she had as a teen. How is anyone disconnected enough from the real world to think these are sane and appropriate things to post?
  10. notthatdreamy

    Song vs. Song

    Arcadia vs. Let Me Love You Like A Woman
  11. With you. No Yosemite nor Cherry Blossom slander in this household. Eternal faves.
  12. I wouldn't be mad about this. In fact, this might just be my ideal next record from her.
  13. What's up with all the Nikki Lane slander? Love her voice, love her stuff. More Nikki would be greatly appreciated, actually. Could just be my weird niche tastes but I genuinely love her. Breaking Up Slowly top 3 Lana songs also. A random delusional wish that's never coming true in a million years but... Whatever was going on with Bellevue, I want a whole album of that. Whatever that is. Give me more of it.
  14. Thank you NFR for giving me "If I wasn't so fucked up I think I'd fuck you all the time" and hbd!
  15. notthatdreamy

    Melanie Martinez

    She looks so beautiful in every picture from this era without the mask, I really wish she would ditch it for everything that isn't a music video or the (unlikely) movie.
  16. Oh yeah, she did post about that. That does explain a lot. Hope she feels better soon and doesn't fall for any pseudoscience stuff in her treatment like I remember the post kinda hinting at.
  17. Now I feel bad about my first post in the Marina thread being negative so. Supermodel's Legs actually the best song in the history of mankind
  18. Anybody know if she gave up on the poetry collection? Any news on MD6? What does this woman even do these days anymore besides post herself making out with her girlfriend on Instagram?
  19. I've always heard "like the winter we're not in" but this does make more sense.
  20. Also having this problem. Been that way since yesterday. Whenever I try to like something, an error message pops up saying "Sorry, there was a problem reacting to this content". Happened on five different computers by now, doubt this is an issue with cache or extensions.
  21. Judah Smith Interlude is genius and perfect exactly where it is, exactly how it is. Subtle, genius, spot on. Jon Batiste Interlude is the lesser out of the two of them but still, once again, perfect exactly where and how it is. Both interludes are extremely consistent with the themes of the album and do exactly what they were meant to do. I honestly do not understand all the interlude hate. If you don't get them, skip them. You'll be missing out on the album as it is intended to be experienced and Lana's full genius but whatever.
  22. If I get one more noise complaint for blasting 2011 Million Dollar man performances in my apartment in the middle of the night I'm getting evicted... The lack of taste in this apartment complex. For shame.
  23. This would seriously be my dream Lana record. Not kidding one bit.
  24. I think everybody who has time to spend arguing here should consider seeking employment or perhaps engaging in an offline hobby or quality time with loved ones. As for what I want from the next album, I want a continuation of OB, not necessarily in sound but thematically. Maybe it's because all the themes on OB just happened to coincide with everything that was on my mind a lot at the time of its release but I'd really love even more songs about family, motherhood, legacy, everything she was on about on OB. Don't even care about the genre or sound, though would prefer something that accommodates the wordiness of OB-style lyrics. If that's yet more piano ballads, so be it.
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