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Everything posted by heavensentslut

  1. no angel and next lifetime are my shit
  2. omg if you dont like blazed you should hear it mixed with dance to this it eats so hard
  3. by outtakes i mean stuff pre positions maybe sweetener too but i still want starshot HELP and same i was obsessed with tu,n for the first like 2 years but now it's a complete no the beats are so aged
  4. and we need all her outtakes tbh they keep leaking boring shit like juice and bia and njomza songs
  5. like their autotune songs havent aged bad at ALL like how do they do it the only bad songs they have are on 4 walls that album is so unnecessary imo
  6. new snippet leaked today
  7. positions was garbage #SAYNOTOTRAP
  8. heavensentslut

    Azealia Banks

    her and khia have killer drags idk who taught them how to read that good but i wanna learn
  9. heavensentslut

    Song vs. Song

    every man gets his wish vs boarding school
  10. kpop will never have another f(x) simply perfect SME you WILL be dealt with
  11. maybe that was harsh it's not necessarily boring but something is missing like i said
  12. guardian is so fucking boring it's missing something important i feel
  13. this gif *&^TGHJKL:KJN.. when it was obviously wild at heart many snoozes from that specific time period why cant i see it?
  14. especially the live versions back to back omfg
  15. does anybody have a properly tagged mega masterpost ?
  16. when i went on ldr wikia and found that out i almost cried one of my fav lana songs too
  17. wild at heart is so cute same with NATWWAL and wanderlust doesnt match chemtrails to me it looks out of place so im glad she changed it
  18. nope the offical title is everyman gets his wish the other one is an alternative title
  19. i know everyman is a word but every man gets his wish looks so much better
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