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one time beauty queen

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Everything posted by one time beauty queen

  1. Lana is the queen of yapping so i’m waiting for her/her management to hardlaunch the album on insta posts before i rely on a september release
  2. from tulsa jesus freak to tulsa queen by emmylou harris core i prayed for times like these
  3. : me with black beauty, special shoutouts to "(my) love is lost on you" & "but oh, what can i do, to turn you on or get through you"
  4. omg new song title just dropped 😍😍😍
  5. btd era / ocean blvd era .. still the queen of 60s glamor & cats
  6. no like.. leak the outtakes NOW (esp the ones in the baby blue outfit omg)
  7. omg YAY <333 it sounds great. Reminded me of unidentified flying bill initially tbh
  8. random but I just saw that Lana commented on Sydney Sweeney's Dec 18th reel as I was going thru her account& as a fan of both i love to see it the crossover i needed lol!! the audio on the reel is Radio too <3
  9. why is arguably the best part of the soundtrack - Dolly Partons I Will Always Love You - not actually on the soundtrack? 😭 also for other europeans: a standard version is up for preorder on a couple german websites https://www.hhv.de/shop/en/item/v-a-ost-priscilla-1088535 https://vinylpladen.de/vinyl/various-artists/priscilla-original-soundtrack-LP?gclid=CjwKCAiAqY6tBhAtEiwAHeRopZUse2Vhgdmi2S1MVQfPgcOHec75eC9KvkxH_b9DuUgfrIoOjpE8QxoCXuMQAvD_BwE
  10. NO BFFR HOW DID QUINCY AND CANDY NOT WIN… gen disappointing (ok i’m going to bed FOR REAL FOR REAL now)
  11. lost my one n only nom </3 hehe but honestly here for it cause so deserved @Elle & @mssainttropez as runner up!!! you both are so gorg btw kinda corny but truly i was shocked logging on here to see i was nominated at all let alone in the hottest member category... super flattering, n im the most insecure b alive .. so basically whoever is responsible for this - you made my month xx congrats to all the winners across all categories so far and those yet to come! goodnight lipsters luv u all <333
  12. live shot of me contemplating God under the Chemtrails over the Country Club if i should just leave now cause its lowkey late in europe & i need my beauty rest... but also i need to be here to see Quincy x Candy Rae shenanigans win drama of the year tbh
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