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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. You know it. We need some of those Bob Dylan-esque story telling songs
  2. Why are we all acting like they’re dropping the box set today (if at all).. we know fine well they like to drop things in random week intervals
  3. How dare they speak badly of Rob, he is a sweet baby Angel cherub
  4. I’m so pissed off because I’ve had 2 opportunities to buy UO HM for around £220 now, and both times I’ve had to let it go due to no funds
  5. It’s so funny to do a 9th anniversary repress after not acknowledging BTD for its 10th lol I secretly hope for a gold press of paradise, I put it in a vote for RSD Black Friday.. but she’s been showing the UV era love lately with SYTH and debuting flip side so
  6. Crisis averted! Glad I picked up the UO pressing though! I’ve been holding off and it’s paid off
  7. On the UK site too? I never saw standard? was the standard just same track list or different to original?
  8. What do you mean 2 products? Was there another uploaded I missed? I only see the UO?
  9. I’d love a signed Ocean blvd lithograph with one of those beautiful Neil shots
  10. Twickets are legal, people can only sell tickets at retail price, but tickets go quick!
  11. It’s weird though, because the original racer jacket and lighter were on my wish list (and still are) but when the up rev’d versions came up I just didn’t get them because I thought they were poor.. I couldn’t get past the patches in the wrong order.. and the lighter just isn’t the same, it looks like something you could’ve bought as a replica from Etsy. You can buy some really decent coke necklace replicas too, but they just aren’t the same, so I never have.. but if the coke necklace Jen shared is the new version that’s coming then I just wouldn’t want that I would love her to revisit the red knit tee with LDR on though. I’d buy that in a heartbeat
  12. I agree here.. it’s when they release things days spaced apart that it’s silly! Especially because I can’t hold off a couple of days with some merch as you never know if it will sell out within a couple of hours sometimes! I’m curious to see what the new merch is.. I don’t even think I’m bothered about a rosary necklace if it’s just the same but looks a lesser quality.. like the lighter did.. I’d prefer something new
  13. What was the deal with stuff saying in stock on his store but not having option to add to basket? Is that essentially out of stock or?
  14. I wanna better picture of those nails tho And also.. this kinda further makes me think Charlie was doing the archiving etc.. surely she wasn’t sat archiving years of posts at her friends birthday drinks
  15. She ain’t making no special mentions at Glasto, she doesn’t even wanna be there BST however, now we’re talking
  16. This person is 100% British lol.. calling someone sweet? Just one step away from hun
  17. Tbh it’s kinda rebatable.. I’ve been known to have an off day and just start going through and deleting all my shit lol.. usually to regret about a week later haha
  18. You can temp deactivate anyway can’t you
  19. Did Lana really have full control over this acc? Like do we know for definite it was always her posting? She said in an interview (maybe the one with billie I can’t remember 100%), that her brother manages her social media account for her? Was this another one of her little white lies? he seemed very active to jump in on the whole deactivation stuff lol, like it was his thing
  20. It feels kinda like a distraction at this point.. imagine we’re all just here pondering and she dropped a digital release lol
  21. Realised after but was too lazy to admit
  22. I only see Chuck and Charlie.. share the acc
  23. Oceanblvd kinda crowded already tho and it’s not even got a post yet
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