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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. I dunno.. when women start working at hooters they’re not doing it with the intention to engage with children.. whereas Miranda sings was marketed at children and actively engaging with children which I must admit I find inappropriate.. and yeah I agree parents should hold accountability.. but she kinda pushed blame on to parents here even though she is the one creating the content in the first place but in a sense.. she can’t be cancelled for this? I remember getting my stepdaughter a little mix cd one year and the language and sexual content was vulgar lol so I had to stop it.. and I was shocked because I felt little mix were geared towards kids.. but I suppose they weren’t explicitly.. even though I felt it.. same goes for Ariana grande? am I making any sense? Been drinking so probs not
  2. Oh no, not for me, it makes me cringe it’s reminiscent of those girls who try too hard to be funny
  3. She should be cancelled purely because her humour is fucking shite
  4. It is a size 16 but it is ribbed so it is smaller if you get me? I can post a pic later! I saved the uncensored image when people were posting it on here before it was taken down haha!
  5. I literally had a top printed with the booby pic on and it was my outfit.. but it doesn’t fit great the image stretches over my chest and now I’m just accepting I do not like it at all so I’ve made a huge asos order and I’ll wear anything at this point lol.. I do have my custom vans though.. so the outfit has to at least suit them haha
  6. Thought I had an outfit sorted and now I hate it cue the whole week filled of stress finding something new to wear
  7. I wouldn’t be surprised at Rob either! Father John misty I think is a good possibility and I’d be happy with that! and yes I’m dreading it a little! He’s usually on crutches because he doesn’t go anywhere, but there’s no avoiding walking in Hyde park, so he has to swallow his pride and get in the wheelchair, I’ll be sweating pushing him in the heat haha! im hoping not too late, after signing I’ll probably drop bags in the hotel room and head straight over
  8. And yup I’m fully expecting it to be very expensive.. especially being from the north I remember when I went 10 year ago or more, so I was only 17.. the pints were £6 and I thought they were extortionate.. I suppose they were at the time, you could get a pint up north for £2! Could only dream of a £6 pint these days haha!! I’ve set aside a silly amount of money for this event so I’m hoping I come back with money.. but you never know with London! Husband struggles to drink these days on the pain meds he’s on lol, so we might actually have a cheap night for once
  9. Oh that’s good to hear! I know I heard the staff come round with drinks, it’s only upside of my husbands injury was the discounted tickets and no waiting at the bar haha!! My husband will be in a wheelchair for this event, so I’m not sure if he’ll end up being at back or what haha! Did it start filling up quick from when you arrived for GNR? I was thinking it shouldn’t matter too much when I arrive as I suspect her set won’t start until well after 8 lol.. and as of right now I’m not expecting big support acts! yes definitely!
  10. Oh we’re going in via west entrance, so I guess I’ll try and grab something when I first arrive (if there’s anything I want, I know they had the cap at MITA, so I’ll be happy with that.. especially after LDR village never delivered my ultraviolence cap ) and I’m glad you enjoyed the show! 3 hours! More than you could wish for! You know we ain’t getting that for Lana! Yeah going over to see Rob, I won’t get there until like 1.20/30 either so I’ll be at the end of the queue, so hoping it doesn’t take up too much of my time, just because I want a good view of the show and not sure what the viewing platform is like or what I can expect lol
  11. Hm, I was just assuming from the merch she took to MITA, so I don’t know for definite but MITA had some ldrvillage pieces iirc
  12. Was the merch stand well stocked? I’m not going to be heading over to Hyde park until potentially 3 or 4 depending how long the signing takes.. but I really hope to get my hands on a cap lol
  13. I agree it’s probably due to not being on streaming services.. alongside it being worlds apart in sound from her more recent albums.. and I suppose if you became a fan for an album like her last 4, then you’re maybe not in to that sound I wish it was on stream services and reproduced too because I never ever listen to it for that reason too
  14. I’m not going to be at front unfortunately but already dreading the heat haha
  15. It’s a warm one to be out in all day! My makeup will be melted off by time Lana hits the stage everyone on barrier will need to keep hydrated!
  16. It’s forecast to be 33 degrees, my basic northern self is going to melt
  17. I was thinking a she wee would be a better option! Is that disgusting to just piss at the barricade though
  18. I just want supporting acts already! Almost a week away now!
  19. Maybe it is makeup and I’m too scared to thoroughly wash lol, one of the pearls has definitely wore the coating away though which is a shame
  20. Has anybody with the candy/AW necklaces noticed the pearls at the front have went discoloured?? I thought it may have been from makeup (bit of a stretch but maybe) but tried cleaning them and seems like the enamel or whatever you’d call it has just worn away
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