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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. Anonymcomenter


    a full circle moment, we love to see it for me the first 3 songs alongside Frozen and TPOG is the best you can ask for
  2. Anonymcomenter


    For me it’s: 1. Frozen 🥶 2. Swim 🌊 3. The Power of Goodbye 👋🏻 4. Ray of Light 🌞 5. Drowned World 🫧
  3. For me a good After School EP would had been as it follows: 1. Fire Drill 2. Copy Cat 3. Papercut 4. Gluestick 5. Arts & Crafts 6. Eraser I know I haven’t used any songs from the original but I just don’t like the production there one bit (I know A&C is a CB outtake but I think it fits the theme). If it’s for the original AS tracklist, I think some of the outtakes top the ones used, so I rearranged it like this: 1. History 2. Notebook 3. Test Me 4. Numbers 5. Lost & Found 6. Function 7. Trophy this would be great, just with different instrumental, production, song structure and less bad lyrics
  4. Maybe the lyrics aren’t the her strongest (not like any of the K-12 songs isn’t a horrible lyrical atrocity ) but the production for me tops anything in the album except for maybe Drama Club and Lunchbox Friends at least it has a beat I can move my ass to, while the rest is a watered down trap beat with uninspiring storytelling that will bore me to dead (Recess Im talking to u)
  5. Anonymcomenter


    Probably this one… I mean she already knows leaks are happening and probably has a fire under her ass to release something the fastest possible to reduce the damage
  6. Also Function and Gluestick (Papercut is great but those lyrics…)
  7. Field Trip instrumental isn’t bad but that chorus… the way she sings “Bitch, I'm an eleven Life Path, I'm ethereal I'm the definition of dichotomy, duality Katarina in the womb for nine months 'til she birthed me” must be the most unappealing thing I’ve ever heard no joke!! Like any kind of musicality left her body when she sang that So horrible, and what’s the point of calling it Field Trip if it has nothing to do with it? I get the trying to leave the concept behind but go hard or go home. She has already written great songs with no childlike themes like “Bombs on Monday” “Million Men” or “Gold Diggin Love” Is this even the same person who wrote “Bittersweet Tragedy”, a lyrical masterpiece!! I didn’t know it was possible but After School is even worse than K-12 (at least the album had some redeeming cualities)
  8. also don’t forget 5) Erase (pun intended) Glued, Field Trip and Brain and Heart… and act like that never happened
  9. I won’t try to convince myself otherwise this time, like that visual concept is atrocious! And the movie (if the label goes on and makes the same mistake again by giving her a pass) looks like it will be the same! We already saw what happened with k-12, she focused so much making a movie that wasn’t even good, and forgot about the music! Maybe some fans like the whole alien imagery, but I will admit that I hate it more and more each day
  10. I get the trying to make an album cohesive thing but with K-12 and After School she dropped the ball… the overuse of practical sounds, curse words, bad writting , boring production, trying to seem woke, stupid metaphors, horrible lyrics (x1000)… and to top it that joke of a movie I can’t unwatch!! Crybaby was cohesive yet no song sounds like the other! Hope this in Portals, yet the cover and title already scare me! If she releases TV, DB and Garden at least there’s some salvation for the music (I’ve already lost all hope in the visuals or the “story”)
  11. Another thing I’ve noticed listening to K-12 again it’s the unnecessary use of curse words… like every song is explicit! It’s like a teenager when they start to use insults to appear more “adult”… I Dont have anything against explicit tracks at all, I think some in Cry Baby were, but here she clearly over uses it! HSS is one of the best from the album yet she has that awful line “and dammit if u fuck me over I will rip ur fucking face apart” me too!
  12. You spilled for me the last thing she dropped from her “golden era” was Gingerbread Man! I might have things I like from her latter eras but it hasn’t been the same at all
  13. I started stanning Melanie like she could do no wrong, and that’s on me of course but it’s interesting how my relationship with her music has developed! At first I loved everything she did and though of her as some kind of mastermind when it comes to writting the thing is when she dropped Piggyback I noticed a shift in her writting and after K-12 I started to see her as this trainwreck you can’t take your eyes off (the disappointment hit hard)… I tried to convince myself it wasn’t that bad because her making such an awful album wasn’t an option… when she released AS EP I already had lost any interest and the recent leaks… some are good some aren’t but for sure it won’t be as impactful for me as CB era was Like I don’t take her that serious anymore and I think she can even be funny! Like those lyrics… made me laugh for sure and I don’t mean that as an insult at all!!
  14. I agree a lot with you, specially in the K-12 part (I also would have included the outtakes) the thing that makes K-12s lyrics even worse is to have in consideration that came after Crybaby, wich, say what u want but had genius writting… a disappointment through and through! I wonder if Melania feels proud of that one
  15. Maybe the intention isn’t but I don’t know… with that subject to use orange juice as a metaphor for vomit… it’s a little too graphic for me, maybe not insensitive rather distasteful?
  16. I like the song as a whole… but that bridge… girl that’s too much, as someone who cringes so hard with ASMR I find it extremely triggering
  17. “Stop calling up my phone tryna say that I've been out of line When all I ever asked was to go to the bathroom” it’s bad also in Lunchbox Friends the “they want a fat ass in their brand new jeans”… she really had a thing-y for the fat ass goddamn awful and Orange Juice as a whole… the metaphor is so straight up insensitive and out off line I don’t know why hasn’t people clock that before I mean Ms Potato Head was also a little camp with a similar subject matter, but the writting at least was good on that one
  18. I Don’t revisit the album much except for a few songs so I haven’t listened to it in a while but OMG it’s worse than I remembered… those lyrics are on some Madonna “I’m so Stupid” level…
  19. the instrumentals are fine in some songs… but the lyrics… the more I hear them… I feel my brain rotting… SHE REALLY DID COMMIT TO THE KINDERGARDEN THEME, THE LYRICS FEEL LIKE A TODDLER HAS WRITTEN THEM “I’m scared I will get thrown away like a banana peel” I could make a top 5 with her worst lyrics for each song, seriously
  20. im just revisiting K-12… OMG it’s bad! like Class Fight is horrible “Kelly had a fat ass and trouble was cooking” might be her worst ever… I remember when someone leaked the album and I heard it for the first time I thought it was a joke or something, I couldn’t believe otherwise Also The Principal… “what if I told ur mother, her son was a cruel motherfucker” “it’s not just me, it’s everybody who thinks that ur fucking ugly when u come and hurt us” Also the outro… like… what was she thinking?? I CRINGE SO HARD I did gaslight myself to like it, but there’s no salvation for those lyrics and for that I honor her
  21. My favourites from CB… almost all of them… Cry Baby, Carrousel, Soap, Alphabet Boy, Pity Party, Tag Your It, Mad Hatter, Pacify Her and Cake I do enjoy and Potato Head, Milk and Cookies and Play Date but I don’t seek them out as much
  22. I actually agree with u, if u add Trainig Wheels to that list those are most definetly the songs I skip the most Most people have a sweet spot for that song because it’s her first single, music video, the introduction to Crybaby… but let’s be honest, it doesn’t have the replay value other songs have like Piry Party and Soap… idk
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