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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. I Don’t revisit the album much except for a few songs so I haven’t listened to it in a while but OMG it’s worse than I remembered… those lyrics are on some Madonna “I’m so Stupid” level…
  2. the instrumentals are fine in some songs… but the lyrics… the more I hear them… I feel my brain rotting… SHE REALLY DID COMMIT TO THE KINDERGARDEN THEME, THE LYRICS FEEL LIKE A TODDLER HAS WRITTEN THEM “I’m scared I will get thrown away like a banana peel” I could make a top 5 with her worst lyrics for each song, seriously
  3. im just revisiting K-12… OMG it’s bad! like Class Fight is horrible “Kelly had a fat ass and trouble was cooking” might be her worst ever… I remember when someone leaked the album and I heard it for the first time I thought it was a joke or something, I couldn’t believe otherwise Also The Principal… “what if I told ur mother, her son was a cruel motherfucker” “it’s not just me, it’s everybody who thinks that ur fucking ugly when u come and hurt us” Also the outro… like… what was she thinking?? I CRINGE SO HARD I did gaslight myself to like it, but there’s no salvation for those lyrics and for that I honor her
  4. My favourites from CB… almost all of them… Cry Baby, Carrousel, Soap, Alphabet Boy, Pity Party, Tag Your It, Mad Hatter, Pacify Her and Cake I do enjoy and Potato Head, Milk and Cookies and Play Date but I don’t seek them out as much
  5. I actually agree with u, if u add Trainig Wheels to that list those are most definetly the songs I skip the most Most people have a sweet spot for that song because it’s her first single, music video, the introduction to Crybaby… but let’s be honest, it doesn’t have the replay value other songs have like Piry Party and Soap… idk
  6. I might be one of the few who enjoys Alphabet Boy I see… It took me a while to get into it but… those adlibs in the bridge totally sold it to me
  7. Detention has one of the catchiest choruses of the album I agree! Probably would have gotten a viral moment if played right the thing for me personally is the concept is sooo weak and the lyrics so bad… like she could have done a sexy song about meeting with a boy in detention, yet the final result doesn’t make any sense (also a message already used in Show & Tell and Nurces Office)…
  8. I agree with Sippy Cup and Teddy Bear, Dollhouse I don’t listen that much but I think it’s undeniable the lyrics are genius there (there’s a reason why that’s her trademark song) TB has a really strange beat I never could get into… I don’t know why it sounds odd to me like anything else in CB
  9. I get that but still… so bad! So many school themed titles and she chooses that? To me sounds like she wanted to make a feminist song (I don’t have anything against it if done right) to seem woke and pull the metaphor out of her ass. Like I said it reminds me a lot of Marinas lasts efforts… and that’s not a compliment And I loved the snippet when she teased it… but the result… there’s no salvation for that song, the chorus and verses and bridge sound so disjointed
  10. I really don’t understand the fuss with Strawberry Shortcake… like the writting there is so bad!! Too in the nose and the metaphor does nothing (also Wtf has a SS to do with school)… the message also… well! A Marina-esque horrible “feminist” anthem For example Drama Club feels much more organic and well written (I don’t get the hate honestly, the chorus might be a little repetitive but at least it’s catchy and the verses are good), the metaphor actually adds something to the song and message is quite good! Also along with Detention might be one of the few from the album to have a hard hitting beat to make u dance
  11. Am I the only one who thinks her unreleased are usually… not good… like I can live without them haven’t listened to a lot of her outtakes for this same reason, any recommendations or good ones?
  12. Anonymcomenter

    Ava Max

    I don’t know… not to be shady towards Ava or anything but… she’s still developing and getting bigger! When Madonna asked for the sample to be used, she already had 20 years of career behind and a big name for herself… I mean it’s Madonna! So it makes sense that for the few people they would let have it it would be her… Also the song was going to be a huge success (and was) so they would be stupid to let that slide and don’t get all that coin
  13. Don’t worry! It’s so obviously fake it’s painful to watch Like why change Sirens title to Fountain when it’s much less appealing and interesting… also the “description” of the back cover doesn’t sound right but… after watching the front cover anything is posible I guess…
  14. Anonymcomenter

    Ava Max

    Yeah, it’s also the way u sample songs… if it’s too in the nose… ew I don’t mind a subtle melody here and there but artists these days are getting really comfortable and lazy… they just release the same exact instrumental and change some lyrics, that’s all
  15. Anonymcomenter

    Ava Max

    She did say they even refused at first until she played it to them and insisted… I mean not letting her release that iconic song would have been a travesty! I’m okay with Ava not releasing more samples honestly it’s getting reeeeally tired these last years! The only one of her samples I enjoy is probably MH&MH (the adlibs in the last chorus really save the song)
  16. Amanita… Pale Flesh… Ruptured… guess we are getting creative Also, for all the people thinking she will re-name the songs or change the titles… I don’t remember in which interview but she did say she stars off thinking a list of song titles and then composed the songs around them (when asked about her writting process) so I don’t think there will be any of that… but we’ll see
  17. Maybe ur right, after all English is not my first language… but still I understand Cry Baby era songs better… maybe it’s the wording or the way sings I don’t know
  18. sometimes it adds to the story… like in Tag Your It but in Lunchbox Friends doesnt make sense… she literally said in an interview the strange voice was supposed to represent other characters point of view or talking… yet in the LF music video she sings the whole part… if it’s for stylistic reasons I guess it’s fine but something in the way they produce her voice recently bugs me… it’s like she doesn’t pronounce the words and it’s really difficult to understand what she’s saying… or maybe that’s just how she sings… Either way I always have to look up the lyrics
  19. Anonymcomenter

    Charli XCX

    I don’t think people see it as a bad song… it just sounds a little bland and manufactured considering her previous work! More so considering her collaboration with Rina was over hyped. I don’t know… I enjoy it if it comes off but I don’t seek it. One of the main things that disappointed me of the Crash album is the overuse of samples honestly… Charli is a great songwritter so she doesn’t need to borrow other melodies (I’m not against samples, if done right they can serve so hard like Hung Up or Midnight Sky, to mention some) but in this case it’s almost like she didn’t even alter the instrumental in any way… and the lyrics sound similar to me!
  20. Anonymcomenter


    man’s those are the ones I mentioned as the best in HR… so there goes my point Also I didn’t consider Big Bad Wolf since that’s a bonus track but it’s good too, maybe a little different for her but I like it
  21. Anonymcomenter

    Tove Lo

    Add Call on Me to that and I’m in I love How Long but it’s such a weird choice for the closer honestly
  22. Anonymcomenter


    Trainwreck is her best song… PERIOD! it just hits Beggin For Thread is great too and Gemini Feed isn’t bad either but I don’t come back to that much, I feel personally attacked
  23. Anonymcomenter


    I don’t get the hate towards Kinky honestly I think it’s fine, maybe nothing groundbreaking and a little over hyped but it sounds good and I think the 80s sound fits her… just like Buried Alive! I mean… compared to the rest of HR… Kinky, Father Daughter Dance, Honey, Chasing Thunder and resentment sound the best to me… it’s no Rainbow, that’s for sure
  24. Radioactive in the deluxe version of EH didn’t make sense to me either… I would have swapped it with E.V.O.L, the title track or Plastic & Plaster even
  25. Anonymcomenter


    She really outdid herself with this one… for SURE! From the lyrics, to de immaculate production… her duo with William Orbit was something exceptional! This album is not just a great body of work, it changed my life forever… at first when I listened to it I thought it was really dreamy and slow (it bored me a little bit) but now with the right mindset and almost entering my 30s… it hits… and HARD! One of her best with COAD From the intro Drowned World to the title track and Frozen followed by TPOG, that’s just brilliant! Also Swim is an underrated gem, deserves much more attention!! I’ve tried to find something similar (Kylies Impossible Princess is indie and trip hop, but more in the rockier sound while ROL is more electronic) but I haven’t found any… maybe stand alone tracks here and there that give a vibe… but overall is really unique and I doubt anyone will be able to replicate it anytime soon
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