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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. Don’t know what to expect next, But since Crybaby through K-12 I lost all interest in her newer stuff, her writting nowadays seems a bit odd too and the new image she is presenting is not that appealing for me Don’t get me wrong, I used to love her old stuff and will keep up with anything she releases, but taking that much between albums doesnt help either! Hoping for more K-12 outtakes to leak, Papercuts, Gluestick and Eraser have been great so far
  2. Anonymcomenter


    Ms Belladonna and Dramatic are really nice, but not up there with My Body in my opinion! Also would like to see some rock/experimental stuff like she has done before I’m Getting an Ava Max vibe with this last tracks and that sounds a little more generic than what i was hopping for. Loved the more mature and diverse route she was going for in the second half of TP… lets have faith, miss YYY always comes through!!
  3. The last leaks have been awesome so far! Faberge, Straitjacket, Childish, Power Lines, Keep It Fenty, Lace, Bored and Kisses From Broadmoor are top tier Wait in the Benz was a little dispointing, just for all the hype it got, still great tho Lets hope Vodka Soda leaks next, sounds interesting!
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