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Everything posted by Honeytrails

  1. hittin licks by WHO??
  2. labels usually give budget for 2 music videos and I’m guessing she spent it all on one hence why it not making the money back might’ve been an issue but again… I don’t think it was much of a financial issue she’s rich
  3. then we get a Blue Banisters & Henry, Come On type songs
  4. Little Rant of lana having to give a SPECIAL PERFORMANCE on zoom for the grammy panel to be taken seriously as a nominee… Why does anyone have to stoop so low for an award? if your gonna celebrate someone simply do so! Having to give special performances and pander to the voters just invalidates that entire shows legitimacy (although it already has with NFR's snubs)
  5. if a random album date is ever going to get dropped it's going to be September
  6. that was more of a general statement rather than a personal one!
  7. well you can’t help but have your beliefs and ideas be molded by your personal connections, it’s inevitable really
  8. I don’t support the death of my people and ancestors and family, let’s get that in check before you go and call me anything else. weirdo.
  9. DNC is a trilogy consisting of Did you that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd and LDR10 and LDR11 !!
  10. stacked noms... we havent gotten such good noms and movies in a while
  11. … OB is bloated with useless interludes and useless tracks that don’t really say anything, production wise it’s no where near NFR
  12. coming out of the woodworks to call me derogatory labels and then taking off after realizing their stupidity… It’s hard to be nice a such a cruel world
  13. when liberals use the phrase “blue haired liberals” do u automatically think that their anti-liberalism even if their liberals themselves? or do u think that their painting a specific character type… utterly delusional! and if your gonna call me anything make sure you @ me next time! x
  14. well if the majority of my community, the alphabet mafia, got their savior complex hats on and is thinking their saving an entire nation by spamming ppls comments and pressuring them into saying something they don’t need to then I get to say what I want!
  15. and there are a lot of anti-extremists anti-isis anti-houthis hiding behind anti-islam sentiments… Just like how there are many anti-zionist jews there are many anti- all of those things listed muslims. these what ifs and anomalies don’t mean anything. the terms aren’t exchangeable and are entirely different things
  16. not thin at all… extremely separate things
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