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Everything posted by Honeytrails

  1. Honeytrails

    Charli XCX

    Can some1 list me out their fav unreleased... I feel like there's a lot I'm missing out on...
  2. Honeytrails

    Charli XCX

  3. Honeytrails

    Charli XCX

    Watch your tone..?
  4. Where is that random pic from…
  5. Mediocre performer, mediocre vocalist, caring about charts and revenue over making high quality art and bodies of work is alone ridiculous, etc.
  6. I don’t think Lana is as confessionalistic as she thinks she is and I think it’s part of why she has such a long career. She’s been able to air things out over a long period of time but not fully airing them out right off the bat
  7. Honeytrails

    Charli XCX

    the video for emma's podcast is not working... and I really wanna watch it
  8. Honeytrails

    Charli XCX

    and the poetry's hella bad too
  9. Honeytrails

    Charli XCX

    The way I don’t really follow charli outside of her music so I didn’t watch the boiler room and my exceptions are kinda where their supposed to be... via the singles
  10. Honeytrails

    Charli XCX

    Is God forcing me to wait
  11. Moral of the story is we love you Carcase we hate you Wait For Life
  12. More culturally important than Born To Die. A true classic. One for the history books.
  13. Joe... welcome back how to disappear
  14. Maybe cus she "wasn't asked" to do it but she rather pitched it Reminds of the conversation of her never having plastic surgery done cus she's "never been under the knife" which doesn’t include fillers and botox
  15. Love that part of the speech in which she stood her ground after her new-level fame post tiktok… people treating her like a new artist is ridiculous. She’s been at it for a minute and it has always been great for those who cared to check it out - not because it’s a background song for a trend
  16. how’d you survive NFR’s rollout… we were in hell
  17. They've supported every single terror ist group in the middle east. Every Arab is happy right now.
  18. that whole account looks to be straight out of 2015...
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