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ivory almond

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Posts posted by ivory almond

  1. 3 hours ago, plastiscguy said:

    I'm gonna be honest, it's nowhere near completion :air: 

    I have a few other mixes and projects planned, and I don't know which one to finish first :bebe: 


    But help with the visuals is always welcomed :oopna:

    that's okay, I know you're gonna feed us more than Lana's own team
    I can work on some concept art and see if you like it at all :slowhairflip:

  2. 8 minutes ago, margaret soty said:

    now with Lana's team upset we won't know if we'll have the song in a few minutes or in a month. :benmawson:

    Sorry, but if it is not released by Feb 16 (even tho it should come out 14th), I will hunt down a leak and listen to it. I'll stay loyal to Lana as long as she is loyal to us

  3. 2 minutes ago, Selfloathinpoet said:

    Why are you guys saying that A&W is two songs in one? 

    BOZ said that AW&J would be a more fitting name, and we know Jimmy Jimmy is tied to one of the album's songs. Knowing that A&W starts out as acoustic and ends as trap, we all came to the conclusion that the J is for Jimmy Jimmy, and the & is because it's two parts. Also, Im not sure but BOZ might have said something else about the two parts somewhere.

  4. Just now, hotshot2am said:

    This is all the info the iTunes database has, they are adding a release date field at some point but it's not there yet.


          "wrapperType": "track",

          "kind": "song",

          "artistId": 464296584,

          "collectionId": 1655349115,

          "trackId": 1655349125,

          "artistName": "Lana Del Rey",

          "collectionName": "Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd",

          "trackName": "A&W",

          "collectionCensoredName": "Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd",

          "trackCensoredName": "A&W",

          "artistViewUrl": "https://music.apple.com/us/artist/lana-del-rey/464296584?uo=4",

          "collectionViewUrl": "https://music.apple.com/us/album/a-w/1655349115?i=1655349125&uo=4",

          "trackViewUrl": "https://music.apple.com/us/album/a-w/1655349115?i=1655349125&uo=4",

          "artworkUrl30": "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music113/v4/7c/c4/e5/7cc4e501-6b09-b379-bb54-a40de4615aa3/22UM1IM33313.rgb.jpg/30x30bb.jpg",

          "artworkUrl60": "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music113/v4/7c/c4/e5/7cc4e501-6b09-b379-bb54-a40de4615aa3/22UM1IM33313.rgb.jpg/60x60bb.jpg",

          "artworkUrl100": "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music113/v4/7c/c4/e5/7cc4e501-6b09-b379-bb54-a40de4615aa3/22UM1IM33313.rgb.jpg/100x100bb.jpg",

          "collectionExplicitness": "explicit",

          "trackExplicitness": "explicit",

          "discCount": 1,

          "discNumber": 1,

          "trackCount": 16,

          "trackNumber": 4,

          "trackTimeMillis": 433916,

          "country": "USA",

          "currency": "USD",

          "primaryGenreName": "Pop",

          "contentAdvisoryRating": "Explicit",

          "isStreamable": false

    QUICK! we need a high-tech lana board member to change "false" to "true"

  5. 52 minutes ago, Ultraviolencez said:

    do you all believe that a&w will be a fan fav? or some other song is gonna steal the spotlight

    Honestly, I think that Paris, Texas or Fishtail will be the fan favorite. Fishtail because Chuck is a speaker and it's apparently the Tulsa Jesus Freak/Cinnamon Girl of the album. My only reasoning for Paris, Texas is the heartbreaking sample that makes me cry everytime I listen to it, and that's just the piano, I mean imagine it with guitar and Lana's voice.

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