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Stoned Mary in the Garden

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Everything posted by Stoned Mary in the Garden

  1. I mean it’s very possible you have grown out of her music, and if you have that’s totally fine and normal because as humans we’re always changing and our tastes change vastly. Maybe you’ll gain an appreciation for the tracks or maybe not! But I’m sure there will be songs on the record that pull you back in to the Lana vortex.
  2. We’re all being so cute right now. And, dare I say…sweet? love the energy. The grants has made us think about heaven so now we’re all on our best behavior to get in
  3. My dad was a huge John Denver fan so Lana’s reference to him has made me go back to listening to his music, super nostalgic, and I totally forgot how much I adore the way he paints pictures with his lyricism. I can see influence on Lana for sure “He climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds below He saw everything as far as you can see And they say that he got crazy once and he tried to touch the sun And he lost a friend but kept the memory Now he walks in quiet solitude the forests and the streams Seeking grace in every step he takes His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand The serenity of a clear blue mountain lake And the Colorado Rocky Mountain high I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky Talk to God and listen to the casual reply Rocky Mountain high (high in Colorado)”
  4. Honestly now that I think about it… a really peaceful pond, bring a picnic blanket and champagne. Okay it might work
  5. Im so upset Im going to be in the Midwest when the record comes out. I want to get high by the beach but instead I’ll be getting high by like… a pond
  6. I’ve been listening to AKA today over at my moms house to get hyped for the new record and kill kill was playing and my mom sang from the other room “I’m in love with a cross eyed man” first she creates new lyrics to A&W and now this
  7. That’s something so interesting to me about Lana, so many of us relate to her so deeply and our lives kind of line up with the music she puts out. It’s really fascinating
  8. Wait backing up is it just me or was that lady interviewing lana not it.. she didn’t ask any questions about the new record like she used up most of the time just babbling but lana sounded cute and it’s exciting to think of what she’s going to add to her set list of if it’ll change entirely
  9. I second this I’m so sick of people contributing nothing but negativity but it might be the only attention they get lol
  10. I think the Grants is one of my favorite album openers ever, I love the intro, I love everything about it. It’s something straight out of a movie, ugh it makes me cry every time. Listening to Sweet Carolina and then The Grants is really something the love in those songs is so pure
  11. Some of you are sooo obnoxious Im sorry but negative people gross me out so bad just chilllll
  12. Heheee I’m excited. I hope she announces something in the interview. Well even if she doesn’t it’ll be nice hearing her talk. Her voice is so asmr to me i wonder what she’ll talk about
  13. You know what would be sick? A Pink Floyd comfortably numb or the eagles hotel California level guitar solo in one of her songs. I need that. Put Blake to work
  14. IM SO SCARED RIGHT NOW you’re such a little menace. Pearl grimacing at me isn’t making this any better. I’m definitely having nightmares tonight
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