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Everything posted by lakeemmahottie

  1. Absolutely love ur designs so i can't wait to see what it all looks like! Still trying to use some of ur designs for cds 😭
  2. THANK YOUUU THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED YOU ABSOLUTE LIFE SAVER! Is it possible u can please post a mega file link bc imgur make it look lq :(( Thanks again!!!
  3. Thank you! This would be such a cunt back art
  4. Out of all the tracks from Problématique that have been released. This is my new temporary tracklist. Its a bit of a mess I know but I'm working on it. Suggestions/feedback are allowed!
  5. anyone willing to do an AI expand for the top part, I just need the background in blank and as a square because I'm making a cd
  6. Gonna give it another 7 hours and if not I'll give up waiting but at least we got the cover
  7. I also forgot to mention that apprently Poppy was inspired by their stuff too but I can't remember where I saw that lol but yk
  8. I'm pretty sure there's more but I'll update later if there is. Also BxMxC WAS a Japan exclusive on Metal Galaxy Disc 2 but due to song going viral outside of Japan, it was released internationally as a single alongside a music video a year after the Metal Galaxy album.
  9. BABYMETAL B-SIDES A list of songs that aren't available everywhere outside of Japan. Or available within the UK.
  10. lakeemmahottie


    I love it so much oh my god
  11. In 3 weeks... "THE OTHER ONE" announcement will be a year old.
  12. Definitely! I'd personally reccomend self titled since it's more well known. Metal Resistance is really good too. Also if you're in the UK theres one song from Metal Resistance that isn't on Spotify called "From Dusk Till Dawn" but I'm pretty sure it's available everywhere else. I need to list their b sides tbh.
  13. lakeemmahottie

    Charli XCX

    Can someone please PM me Light It Up HQ version? The one without all the discord pings please?
  14. BABYMETAL for Rolling Stone Japan Interview (i read this in maths class instead of doing work lmfao) https://rollingstonejapan.com/articles/detail/40000
  15. Anyone have a full version of Cum remix WITH iggy's verse? Ik an 8 minute version of that doesn't exist but is there a HQ fan edit tho? Anyone have Cum Remix with Iggy's verse in full? Ik an 8 minute remix with Iggy verse isn't real but is there a HQ edit somewhere?
  16. From what I know she left because of health reasons. She also said that she was considering pursuit of a solo career but Yui is no longer in the public eye. The kitsunes ask what happened to her all the time and its kinda annoying for Su. But whatever Yui is doing with her life, music based or not, i hope she's happy and healthy! You should definitely get into them more. I'd start on self titled if i were you tbh.
  17. Also forgot to mention they opened for Lady Gaga in 2014 for her ArtRAVE Ball
  18. lakeemmahottie


    I'm suprised no one has created a thread for them yet so I thought I'd open one myself. BABYMETAL are a Japanese idol "kawaii metal" (basically J Pop & metal) band currently consisting of 3 members. The original lineup was Nakamoto Suzuka (known as "SU-METAL"), Kikuchi Moa (known as "MOAMETAL") and former member Mizuno Yui (known as "YUIMETAL"), whom had left in 2018 due to health reasons. As of 2023, the lineup still contains SU-METAL and MOAMETAL and the recently new addition to the group Okazaki Momoko (known as "MOMOMETAL"). BABYMETAL was formed officially on November 28th 2010 by the AMUSE agency and the band's producer Koba (known as "KOBAMETAL"). Songs from their discography I'd reccomend:
  19. I found east side boys in 237kps MP3 but idk if that was the file that leaked but ANYWAY what about songs like All Aboard or Rihanna pitches in OG quality please? Or a masterpost of everything so I know what I don't have ♡
  20. Cos onlyfiles is dead and people uploaded alot of the songs I don't have on that site specifically
  21. And East Side Boys? And ANY OG quality file?
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