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Everything posted by blackenedrussianpoetry

  1. st. eustace episcopal church on lake placid must’ve been the place where she was in charge of being the cantor and singing w her grandma although i found something but im always sure someone might have covered it
  2. mixtape https://m.mixcloud.com/MachineMgmt/lana-del-reys-mulberry-mixtape/
  3. Oh yeah another thing, i typed this because i noticed the weather is getting hot here in southeast asia and yesterday i went to the beach with my friends all through the day and i was on my earphone listening to the first half of nfr! and wayamaya : )
  4. We all remember where we were when this trailer dropped didnt we..? 60s beehive, neon eyeliner, surf visuals, the comically built guy, 50s-60s cartoonish gestures of lana and the guy, the nfr festival tour ended not long before, looking for america and season of the witch - Jesus. What a time to be a teenager in summer of 2019 and having nfr! waiting for ya… music in 2019 generally was very great. Reverie.
  5. The fact that Lana acknowledged and performed Us Against the World, a mid-level deep cut song, in 2015 still boggles my brain
  6. I hope she changed her mind about that letter/i hope that this means something good…
  7. The second is your username! Pink champagne
  8. This is my first time hearing Lana yell/mad at someone damn woah… key word: french people
  9. Happy 10 Brooklyn honey! This song, to me, feels like one of Lana’s most Lizzy moment… those baby vocals and the humorous lyrics. It must’ve been fun to be a fan on this period. where last week, you gotta hear shades then the next week you got to hear ultra’s title track and Brooklyn baby in the same week.. the first five songs from ultra remains my favorite lana five-punch on an album… : ) great energy. Fiery.
  10. Are you talking about the lyrics or the way she behaved then? I was talking abt the latter : )
  11. Do you think lana played a persona/character throughout the born to die era? since yesterday, i started to think that she may did… ? Question mark edit: i thought that way just bc reading off the comments from 2011/12 interviews… but her lyrics are too real life to be much of a persona/shtick (except loli and off to the races which are the only ones i doubt abt its origin story off the album)
  12. Happy sweet 10 shades baby… one of the lana greats of all time. Amazing brilliant composition
  13. Thank you so much..! This is her first acknowledgment of the song since that nme interview from late 2015 : ) it was also my #1 all time lana song in 2021 (and honeymoon was my favorite lana album in 2021 too)… but i moved on kind of - i had a reverie
  14. One of my favorite things about lanz is how far-out she could b with the tracklisting… woah she really placed a song like fingertips in the same album as peppers (The same way she placed diet mountain dew after video games)…
  15. This is quite known (im sure) about lana’s the profile playlist on yt/spotify which compiles her interviews prior to 2015 this video was uploaded when lfl was still in the making (oct 8 2015) and we know that record came out in 2017… so maybe she had already figured out the album title as early in 2015? And it could possibly be not “Best American Record”?… the title track was also the first song created/written though just pointing out anyway
  16. Curly/wavy lana has always been the prettiest lana ever (to me)…
  17. The last two snapshots (lana vid and pasta) reminds me of something she would’ve posted during l4l era…; )
  18. Ocean Blvd gotta be the most fun era we’ve had since lust era..! Maybe even as fun as born to die was? To fans who’ve known her, was btd era lana as big as ob era lana? I’ve been a fan since lust and i do think this is the biggest i’ve seen of lana
  19. Seems like lana follows a pattern doesnt she? every 6 years she attends the met (2012 2018 2024) every 4 years she dyes her hair (2012 2016 2020 2024)
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