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Everything posted by marcodelrey

  1. marcodelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    dunno, i've ordered it from the spotify store a few days ago i'm so sad, here in italy even the bloodshot one is hard to find at a 'normal' price
  2. marcodelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    If someone got an extra copy of the splatter one lemme know, mine just got canceled 🥲
  3. Anyway, UO just added the black variant and is gonna be shipped from April 20
  4. mh, dunno about that. merchbar did the same thing as well and we thought it was an RSD surprise but turned out it was the white variant with 3x the retail price buh we never know, could be something else
  5. which 80€ vinyl variant i hope is gonna be a Nikki Lana related one
  6. The whole BTD era... Dunno, maybe I've listened to it for so much time since it dropped and I don't feel it anymore But u guys are free to buy me the rsd picture disc, maybe I'll change my mind 💋
  7. I'm such a clown cuz I still have to order the standard cassette but it's soldout everywhere except the german store which is €15 shipping to Italy 💀 I was hoping for a signed bundle but at this point I'm just gonna give up
  8. Am I the only one getting an error code on clicking the bundles in the UK store?
  9. I feel like they're gonna restock the US store with that until in may in Europe we're gonna get the "we're sorry, order canceled cuz there is no left"
  10. Honestly they're just being caotic: bad with shippings, they do pop-up and sell some rare merch, then put likes to comments asking the heart-shaped vinyl, AFTER the pop-up they make a TikTok profile telling everyone to follow them for the giveaway blablabla that one of them is gonna 'win' anyway, then just drops 25$ to 100$ cheap stuff, anything (expecting the LDR toilet paper or toothbrush) but no vinyl, CD, cassettes or whatever it's connected to her music at all. I just feel like the hype of latest merch (t-shirts etc) is kinda off cuz of the bad quality, I can literally make the same exact merch for half the price with a better quality. Dunno about you guys, but whenever I try to imagine the LDR village team, I'm automatically thinking about 3-4 young boys/girls, 23-24 yo each, running a thing people with experience should run. Sorry about my QFTC moment But I really want real merch, not "nepo daddy" t-shirts with Arial format sold for $30+ just cuz of a dumb comment on her ig
  11. Omg what is that I need to know 👀👀👀 by K. I meant to say Karen 🙊
  12. So, apparently K. Swift is the only one getting actual signed merch I suppose(?)
  13. marcodelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    Link, I can't find her
  14. marcodelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    There's a presave for Flo (I posted the link in the Florence thread) As about AjayII she changed a couple of days ago her youtube handle username
  15. marcodelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    This 2023 is getting rough with the new releases: first Lana, then Melanie, now Florence and Aurora (and AjayII finally coming back 🥲)
  16. marcodelrey


    Are you guys ready for the new era? https://shop.aurora-music.com/
  17. Only €20 shipping to Italy for a 6€ air freshener 😍😍😍😍
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