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Everything posted by JamesHomofield

  1. Oh she's so gorgeous
  2. Yeah I also think it's highly unlikely, it was just a thought that crossed my mind. Being a multimillionaire, etc., feels so alien to me
  3. Glad she's spending her well earned money with all the touring she's doing. As she should!
  4. Maybe you're the one holding onto her because of nostalgia, because I think most people here (myself included) aren't. Maybe don't project that onto everyone else... Being Lana's fan =/= worshipping her. From my experience, I'm not afraid to criticize Lana when she does/says something that I disagree with (I even detached myself from her work for a while back in 2020 because she kept rambling nonsense on instagram/twitter and I was tireeeeeed). Her writing and melodies definitely changed a lot throughout the years, proving how much she has matured and mastered her work. Also, I've never been able to see her live - mostly because I was broke as hell whenever she came to my country, which she rarely does! - and it's one of my dreams to see her live. And I have faith that'll happen someday. But if she wants to stop touring after I've seen her live at least once, that's a whole another story
  5. I subscribe to this theory as well lol
  6. Always good to see her but isn't it a bit weird to have paparazzis outside of a church?
  7. TRUEEEEE, I loved it! I saw people on Twitter complaining about it and for a moment I felt like I was the only one who enjoyed it
  8. I vaguely remember Lana saying she didn't think this song was good at first, while it was still being recorded/produced... it instantly became my top 5 favorite songs by her when I first heard it.
  9. This one's been stuck in my head for a while
  10. Ugh, yes! This would be the perfect vibe for Lasso, imo. Guess we'll have to wait a little longer...
  11. Yeah, afaik Christianism condemns seeking help of spiritual mediums outside of church. I think Lana doesn't care at this point lol
  12. Yeah, I don't mind the fact she's christian. After all I was born in a country where the majority of people are christians. I believe in God, but I don't associate with any religion as of now, but I enjoy studying about different religions. That being said, Protestantism is so boringgggg
  13. "American (derogatory)" LMAOOOOOOOOOO
  14. What's with evangelicals and screaming
  15. "maybe He wants to bless ozempic" WHAT-
  16. Pls not people in live chat mentioning Ricardo
  17. Lana asked us to watch a livestream on youtube in which Judah Smith is preaching
  18. LMAO LMAO I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION TO LIVE CHAT, can't believe I missed this gem
  19. The way he preaches is giving "how do you do fellow kids?" vibes.
  20. I'm going to take a bold stance here and say give me that Nikki Lane collab
  21. "I DON'T KNOW IF IT WAS GOD BUT IT FELT LIKE GOD!" makes me laugh too ngl
  22. Maybe she's teasing Judah Smith Interlude part 2 on Lasso...
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