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Everything posted by Nightcall

  1. I’ve never heard of Cass McCombs, but listening to his top songs right now and if this is the direction for LDR10 I’ll be very happy. edit: Thank you I may have found a new favorite artist
  2. What is this AI generated mess I love it
  3. Nightcall

    Line vs. Line

    "I put the radio on, hold you tight in my mind, isn't strange that you're not here with me?” vs. “The rumblin’ from distant shores sends me to sleep, but the facts of life can sometimes make it hard to dream.”
  4. The “take me home country roads” snippet haunts me because we’ll probably never get the full song.
  5. she’s definitely in a tough spot. it’s obvious she loves the fame but when your fans are that crazy… i saw on Reddit people were wondering if her or her team would speak out about it which I doubt. imagine having to tell your fans they need to back off
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