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Everything posted by Nightcall

  1. Nightcall

    Taylor Swift

    There’s people just dying for a remix of Style featuring Harry Styles
  2. Nightcall

    Taylor Swift

    1989 is one of those pop perfection albums. It solidified Taylor Swift as one of the greatest artists in our generation - love her or hate her. I’m very excited to hear this album. It will likely be my favorite re-recording yet. The album cover photo is not what I expected. Look at that smile! It is a beautiful photo and my favorite cover of the rerecordings so far.
  3. Prom Song (Gone Wrong) Actually it’s Madly
  4. Nightcall

    Song vs. Song

    A&W vs Venice Bitch
  5. We need Lana’s past albums in Dolby Atmos with animated cover art on Apple Music (and Spotify) ASAP.
  6. Let me do one for each album. AKA - “Ray, Ray…” from the intro to Raise Me Up BTD - “Who Me?” of course Paradise - “How do you like me now?” from Radio Ultraviolence - “Lay me down tonight” Honeymoon - “I like you a lot…” LFL - “Be who you wanna be…” from Summer Bummer NFR - “Back, back to the garden” COCC - “Sweet or whatever baby” BB - “F*** you Kevin” OB - “Oh my god” from A&W
  7. Nightcall

    Lake Placid

    That makes me curious. Knowing Blue Banisters almost had quite a few more unreleased tracks, and that Lake Placid is a recent leak, it is possible this could be an outtake from BB! It would have fit perfectly with the other songs and maybe even improved the album in my opinion.
  8. So you’re telling me there may be an alternative final version of Video Games?
  9. I’m getting vibes that we won’t get this until late 2024 at the earliest. She wants to take her time and get it right. It will be very different than the past few albums. Truly a new era. Lighter, more colorful. And Rick will have a comeback.
  10. Music videos being dead makes me sad. Zoomers need to revive them and YouTube asap
  11. I want an album that sounds like the chorus (the chopped up vocal thingy) on the Anyma remix. I am obsessed. I also like the Amandus 99 remix. It's giving a speedier Lust for Life demo.
  12. I love Invitation, what a pretty song.
  13. Does Lana dislike singing in her BTD voice? Because we don’t really hear it anymore. Neither in live performances or released music. I know she said during that era she sang lower to be taken more seriously or something.
  14. I gotta rephrase this. NFR deserves all its hype, but I do think it gets a lot of it because it’s her most accessible album.
  15. We may be psychopaths but at least we aren’t Reddit stans
  16. Walking is an art, so is my body, papi is a workaholic
  17. I go back to Waffle House, take a look at my life
  18. These songs will never see the light of day just like Hey Blue Baby
  19. When Lana makes LDR10 sound like ARTPOP to shut us up about the piano
  20. Eating my toenails rn. I need the music now
  21. He said, "Lana Rey, will you serve me lemonade?" I said, "Yes Bill, I will, it's the day of the parade"
  22. Oh lord I’m getting a little too excited now. and new producers??
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