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Everything posted by Embach

  1. There was another Insta story of her hairstylist Anna, where the bows and hair care stuff didn't have the black-white filter on and I saw that the bows were blue and black kinda reminded me of the Coachella dress colors throwback
  2. Coquette girlies gonna go crazy when they see this huge ass bow
  3. Omfg Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey ft. Ana Del Rey She's an actress but she's Spanish, I need Lana to meet with Ana, they're even the same age, I wonder if they have met before - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana_del_Rey Maybe but this has became kind of an fandom inside joke lol
  4. Manifesting at least one track from Honeymoon. At least she could sing the popular singles she had always performed like High By The Beach or Music To Watch Boys To. Or even the songs that were "viral TikTok hits" in 2023, like Art Deco or Salvatore, she had always recognized some random viral TikTok songs. She could even recite Burnt Norton, if she wants to...
  5. I was talking about the era in general (lyrics, photoshoots and music videos). But about her behaviour, I don't think that she played a character, like in interviews or live shows. It was her first time being in the public eye, in the centre of the media, so she was just very shy and her behaviour may have looked like awkward. She has said before that she never needed a character or persona for herself when she could've had.
  6. I don't think she played a character but to be honest, the whole Born To Die album is a satire of the American Dream. Some of the serious songs are obviously based on her real life when she was a teenager and her Lizzy days but the album as a whole feels like a satire of the American Dream, pop culture and female stereotypes - kind of almost like Marina's Electra Heart which is also probanly the reason these two albums were always compared to each other then.
  7. Talking about the hostages - correct me if I'm wrong - I remember that around November-December 2023, Hamas offered Israel to return the hostages, not all of them, but a certain number of them. But what did the Israeli prime minister Netanyahu did? He didn't even want the hostages back and refused the offer, there was even a video in the news how some of the parents of the hostages ran to the government building and were very angry that Netanyahu refused the offer. He doesn't even give a shit about his own people, he keeps using hostage situation as an excuse to bomb Gaza. Israel could've had many others ways to react to the hostage situation but they chose the worst option possible and they made the current situation even worse and worse by bombing and killing innocent and already helpless Gaza people (which majority of them are CHILDREN, even INFANTS!!!!) intensively without of any kind of mercy for almost 8 months straight. Almost 40 000 Palestinians have been killed, they have no access to electricity, water and food. All the buildings are destroyed and the shelters are being bombed as well. Even Israel takes advantage of the humanitarian aid given to the Palestinians, for example like in March, Palestinians were given food and other supplies (like flour and something like that), they all were running for their lives to grab the supplies as fast as they could but Israel took advantage and bombed them. Media outlets described that as "an incident" but we know it was malicious and intentional. Israel even killed World Kitchen food aid staff members, who were Polish and Australians, in airstrikes. It's a definition of a modern genocide and Israel does that all for what? To defend themselves as a country that illegally occupied another country whose civilians they are killing right now. I know that "it's a war and countries have to defend themselves in a war" but this isn't even "defending", they're commiting a genocide. Palestine can't even defend themselves against a huge military backed by the United States. I don't really understand why the huge countries like the US and UK are supporting Israel by giving them bombs to kill thousands of innocent civilians. Instead of a ceasefire, they offer bombs. I don't understand what do they accomplish with that. I saw a list of countries that do not recognize Palestine and I noticed that most of these countries used to be colonizers in the past. Probably that tells the reason. Big businesses like McDonalds and Starbucks supporting or giving money to Israel doesn't make sense to me as well. What have they to do with it, they're not the government? I know that many people have said that already here but being pro-Palestine isn't definitely anti-semitic. Religion and origin have nothing to do with the actions of a government. Don't forget that before October 7th, Israel had conducted series of airstrikes on Gaza in May 2023, leaving over a hundred of Palestinians wounded and dead. There were also similar cases in 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018 and so on, all the way back to 1948. And talking about the LGBTQ+ rights in the Middle East, I know that there are many countries there where homosexuality is illegal and gay people there are oppressed but let's not pretend that the US is innocent, there's a whole list of acts of violence against LGBTQ+ people commited in America, so the goverment should focus on their problems first before pointing out what's wrong outside their country and what's not. That being said, it's very sad that in the 21st century there are still countries where LGBTQ+ rights doesn't exist or there are still violent acts committed against them. That goes for any country. This just doesn't sit right with me because LGBTQ+ rights are human rights!!!!! I don't know what else I've got to say. I feel like everything I said now is controversial but isn't it the sad truth? The situation really pains me when I think about it, because the whole time we were arguing here, dozens and dozens of Palestinians were probably killed during that time. There is nothing we can really do but raise awareness and donate money. All eyes on Rafah. Free Palestine!!!!!
  8. To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years.
  9. Embach

    Instagram Updates

    Lana followed a Music video director who has directed a music video for Migos before. Possibly Tough music video director???
  10. I just saw that Haley's bomb picture and I want to fucking vomit, how can a person be so heartless, what the fuck has happened to humanity!?!??!?!?!?!?!
  11. If she has been making that album for 4 years (so since late 2019/early 2020) then it has definitely different "tones" in it because in those years she has met different producers as well, like Drew Erickson whom she met in early 2021.
  12. Also a singer Mabel posted about Rafah's dying children and manager Ben commented with three heart emojis.
  13. That one interview from 2012 where Lana said that a psychic told her that she has a breathy voice because she fell of a tree when she was a kid or something
  14. Vogue also posted these photos on their Instagram with the caption which was in the article and someone in the comments wrote: "She looks like she's about to go down to the tennis court and talk it up like yeah" this is sending me right now
  15. Omfg the "handwriting" was so Blake's though, reminds me of the one in Pretty When You Cry and his live shows in general. Just looked up that besides Dan Auerbach, Russ Pahl and Kenny Vaughan also played electric guitars. I kinda need them back ngl.
  16. The photo reminds me of this too but with 2011/2012 Born To Die era hair! This kind of hair color with her hair tied up:
  17. One of the best songs ever recorded. A true diamond in her discography. Brilliant vocals, amazing production, Blake's incredible guitar solo. Everything about it is so beautifully done. I love this song with all of my heart!
  18. Honeymouns talked recently about Him & I ⬇️
  19. But what about pure baddie country gal
  20. "Panir din" means "water day" in Bengali. And you also dreamt about a song called "Water Eyes"
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