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Cult Leader

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Everything posted by Cult Leader

  1. I feel chills omg I need to walk around and eat something now
  2. I don't know which website it is and I'm kinda afraid to ask
  3. OMG SAME I was like huh?? when I checked the spotify lyrics. I will look into it more and come back just saw this lol
  4. waaaiittt lip gloss merch would eat! omg it's so awesome if she ever did that
  5. yeah, that's usually a starting point right? to build the melody with the words
  6. I think white is ok as long as it's floral or has another pattern on it, and the shape doesn't resemble a bridal gown, at least that's the rule here
  7. I think that would be a nice way to combat scalpers and bots too
  8. well antarctica is on my travel bucket list sooooooo
  9. god if you're near me send me three white butterflies with a show in brasil next year (I pray she comes for lollapalooza 2024 plsssss)
  10. Cult Leader

    Taylor Swift

    aaaaa!!! Thank uuu for explaining!
  11. Cult Leader

    Taylor Swift

    yeah! Could be that, but like wouldn't the store have to list extra track numbers? I really don't know how that works so maybe it could be exclusive content
  12. Cult Leader

    Taylor Swift

    sameee but when I got on the br umusicstore site they were all sold out I'm such a clown, but also am I dumb or are even the deluxe just 21 tracks?
  13. Shades of Cool is sooooooo Craig Bond. Idk how they didn't ask her to do a song
  14. I would actually really love a whole song like that! I enjoy the first part a lot the whole rosemead ramada part is so satisfying to the ears
  15. what about a grungetry album? grunge plus country, now that would serve. I'm so lonesome I could cry by Hank William vibes plus Zodiac plus Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle vibes
  16. I got a bit emotional last night watching Rob's live, her going on stage and the crowd was so loud! It was amazing
  17. doesn't it kinda look like HCH? I was thinking it could be a biker thing
  18. I love the whistle in Kintsugi, reminds me of Lemony Snicket and his brother in the netflix adaptation of ASOUE
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