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Everything posted by Rivers

  1. I don't think they were trying to imply someone writes all of her music, but getting a producer like Watts to make a starting point of a track, or even buying music people have made, and rewriting or adding on, isn't taking away anything Lana does. When Bradleys wife wanted someone to cover Doin Time for the sublime documentary, she wanted Lana to sing it and it ended up being better than the original. you may know doin time is actually a remix of a very old song by Gershwin,and the original lyrics to "Summertime" are by Heyward later covered and altered and brought again to popularity by Nina Simone. But the song is actually an extremely older folk song than that which exact origin or identity is not fully known. https://www.wfmt.com/2018/09/10/the-true-origins-of-gershwins-summertime/
  2. True that. bob didn't get a major billboard hit until his recent, murder most foul, which was a long slow poetic ballad. So being a bop type song doesn't necessitate being a popular billboard song.
  3. I've just started following this whole scene and never really looked into pop artists music scenes, but one thing I've noticed, is a lot of people's critiques are more, i dunno, Pretty mean, or callous. In the other bands fan groups I follow, they aren't as callous as some folks comments I see in pop artist critique. Y'all should try to be nicer. If you are critiquing her art, try to picture what you are saying if you were saying it to her directly. Would you be like, "oh hun, most of your ballads just don't do it for me;" To her face? Just try to have a little compassion. I started following these fan groups around cyber space, and I couldn't believe how mean and callous they were being and they are her fans. It's really hard taking critique as an artist. Edited: I guess it doesn't matter so much if she doesn't read this stuff. But if I was her and started reading some of this stuff, I would stop reading it pretty quickly.
  4. One potwntial thing that's often overlooked from her stripped back type ballads and such, is, you can always remix it, and add whatever type of dance beat you want, which is much easier to do with songs that have minimal background. Although with today's tech you can strip out parts of complex overlapping arrangements somewhat easily. So if you want a dance "bop". Get yourself Ableton and start remixing some dance tracks. Say yes to heaven is being played by a few house type djs right now.
  5. Wow. Where is that, what radio station, if you don't mind? I've heard doin time a whole lot on the radio. But nothing else since like a decade ago.
  6. I was thinking about that last night that she never has horns in her songs besides the outro for mustang and some others. Horns are hard to incorporate unless it's a specific type of song or style and they really take over a lot of the volume and bandwidth of a song. how do you pull it off live with a band that doesn't have any horns? Using a back track for it might sound out of place. Does she have songs with horns in the middle of the song?
  7. I really love her aesthetic of flowers and stars in her shows themes. I would love a film theme with something like her singing on a piano covered or surrounded with flowers and against a starry sky, with meteors.
  8. She could arrange a lot of interesting songs now that she has 3 gospel singers. I also love how she talks about God and things like that. Not many in alternative music is really doing that anymore besides Kanye, and a very few others.
  9. The lyrics and the way she sung it both had these strong representations of a nostalgic style, but in the modern day. A modern day 50s,60s and 70s lounge style singer, but also the lyric subject nature is reflective in a nostalgic way, and it was being expressed that it was all being lost. That is one of her saddest songs. It's like the world is ending and we don't know if we can do anything about it.
  10. Like I said I just got back into her music again, and there are a number of things she does that really impress me. One is when I heard her freestyle singing at soundcheck. I was like there were so many good pieces. And she came up with a cool, whole song, off the top. I was like, what the fxck? Another is that Billie Holiday kinda effect in her voice she did sometimes as well as all these other vocal styles. I know I lost some of the voices I could do once I got older and don't know if she can still do them. But her lyrics are always pretty out there too and I am impressed with all the literary works she ad libs.
  11. It's really hard making a nice radio vibing hit like those examples. Like really really really hard.
  12. Making really nice beats like A and W is really really hard and so are dance type tracks that aren't over the top or too formulaic. They take a lot of time and rarely come together pretty quickly. The details jack put into a and w seem pretty elaborately involved. I like the little details too like the soundscape stuff from the cicadas or insects on God knows I tried or the intro to blackest day. A lot of small things like that go a long way in album. I guess she's gonna be super busy for awhile though and will probably wanna chill out after the tour so it's gonna be a long time.
  13. God knows I loved. God knows I lied. God knows I lost, cause God gave me life...
  14. There are some interesting suggestions in the thread. The psychedelic country was interesting as well as some more hardened acoustic songs. So here's my take after getting back into her music again and what's she's been working on recently. If I were hanging out at Jack Antonoffs studio to design or consult for Lana's 10th album, this is how I would structure it. I would start off with a theatrical or some type of themed intro and go into nature boy, or a nature boy interlude part 1, maybe with Jon, or jack, or rob on piano. Next I would build some type of beat similar to her recent free style she recorded during sound check. Something kinda chill but also has a good beat and can flow, possibly hip hop like or danceable. Think like the roots meets jazz funk. Then I would try to crank it up, and do some type of hardened acoustic song, or a more hardened dance beat type track like a and w or body electric. Then I would calm it down a bit, into some type of surf rock, or down tempo surf rock type of song, something like the greatest. Then would have a poetry interlude of some sort, which segways into a country type vibe. Which would go into a different version of stand by your man. Then maybe another poetry piece of some sort which goes into something that's somewhat bluesy, or hardened blues rock type of song. After that I'm not too sure, lots of room, but I would try to get a soft ballad or two in there. But I would like to hear some more poetry and a complex symphonic arrangement. For the outro of the record I would have nature boy interlude part 2 with maybe her own lyrics, and an instrumental nature boy outro after that like she did at her show.
  15. Colbert side kick? The guy is as New Orleanian as it gets. 1.)Jon is extremely talented. His piano style is entirely original. 2.)The lil Wayne song is a far cry from any type boomerism. 3.)the Macklemore - Lamar claim you made is just something you made up in your head which has no semblance to reality, or the general populous' tastes and beliefs
  16. Nevermind. Got one on seat geek. But, vip front row a 90,000$ ?!?!?!?! 90. 1000. Dollars... 90. 1000. Dollars...
  17. I'm looking for any single ticket. No scams please. Id verification required.
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