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Everything posted by Rivers

  1. She has really honed down this tour set in a really beautiful way. The set list is like a movie script. Like a dark side of the moon album.
  2. I've been to this venue over 30 times and I've never seen anything like that before.
  3. Soundchecks at these type of events are always difficult because you have 10 people who want to sound check in the morning. Just putting it out there.
  4. Dies Irae 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cx3SDGZOsT4/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  5. The performance on Jimmy Fallon...Man...She stole my heart...I couldn't believe it. I was not intricately following her music then, like I am now, and when I heard and saw that... It felt surreal. Lacrimose. Sublime.
  6. I'd throw down 500 to a G to see Lana at an MTV unplugged show. The best venue in my opinion is the new 75,000 speaker surround sound system at Beacon in NY. In 2024 they are going to add 100,000 more speakers for their new state of the art sound system.
  7. I would love a low-key private performance where everyone isn't singing because it's being recorded. Not that I don't like them singing, but an example is when she sang stand by your man at Roberts western world. I really got to listen to her sing. Ive seen others be vocal about how much they would appreciate that.
  8. I would love if Lana did an MTV unplugged session. It could totally bring back MTV unplugged and make it cool again. I really loved them back in the day and feel she could do such an amazing performance that she could then also sell as an album. I think I like nirvanas unplugged more than any of their albums. Bring in the candles, the flowers and the trees. It would be magical.
  9. Another question I have is that I would like to start a new thread but feel I need to ask before starting it, and where I would put it. I would like to start a thread about articles about Lana that we can provide critique to those articles. There are some good and some bad articles I've seen that I would like to provide a space in which we can analyze them and critique them. Such that there is a way to address what is said in the articles in a long written format like that is available in this forum. Can you advise where I would start a new thread about articles of Lana?
  10. Can you establish some small fee that allows one additional options. Like 2 or 3$ a month to be able to get extra privs like deleting a comment? Larger data, gif avatar, etc? Something to think about. I know it's a lot of work upkeeping a forum. So some monetary value, I would think, would help for establishing additional features. This is somewhat how discord works. Just something to think about..
  11. I wonder what inspired her to wear black? Goodness graciousness. Shes looking so good. Sheesh.
  12. Sure is coming up quick. I'm only going to see Lana but this is the first time I'm going to a festival there with the new secondary stage in the woods since the makeover. Should be pretty interesting with a lot going on.
  13. Why on Earth would she come on here when people are constantly trashing her music and what she does?
  14. Lana, you need to ignore these peoples critiques and do whatever you want.
  15. That's a colossally tall order because you have to rehearse it a few times, like maybe 5 or 6. Even bands like Phish can't do that. I'm impressed she's been delivering a new live cover 3 times over a few months. That's more than most.
  16. I just found out she played the original summertime! Does anyone have a link?! I love that song.
  17. My first Lana show too. Excited to finally see her perform. I'll probably be hanging out at the fountain all day playing guitar in between sets. It's a good meet up landmark spot if y'all are trying to trade and meet up. Merriweather is a cool venue which got a huge makeover a few years back. Lots of forest trails and nature.
  18. But I realize, this board is not the ideal place for such discussions, so I will refrain from discussing anything besides music for now on, as it seems to have clearly created discord. So if I upset you, I sincerely apologize.
  19. I can understand that. It's definitely difficult to broach the subject and it's difficult to suggest that Nero did do something positive for rome, even though he had christian children tortured for amusement. Here is something to think about. This time magazine article tells it's readers, that christians are no longer welcome in America. Imagine for a moment if the headline read Jews no longer welcome in America versus Christians. People's heads would have exploded with outrage, but it's perfectly okay for them to say christians should be isolated and cancelled from American society and no one batted an eye. Another issue is Israelis soldiers and many Jews I have spoken with blatantly stating they are the superior race and that Palestinians should be genocided, yet, there is no outrage about it. Very bizarre, hypocritical and deflating. https://time.com/4385755/faith-in-america/
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