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Everything posted by Rivers

  1. Never suggested such a thing. Just pointing to how they are continually abusive towards me and seem like a toxic person. Conversely I think its more equatable that they were suggesting that about me.
  2. Ah yes. The Hitler analysis. Surprisingly a lot of Ukranian soldiers state the same thing, yet hardly anyone is criticizing them. The point I believe he was trying to address, is that while someone like Nero was a monstrous horrible person, Nero did some things that benefitted rome. I have family members who died killing Nazis so I am in no way a Hitler or Nazi sympathizer. I do believe he was being too extreme there, but also believe he was doing it, just to trigger people, after they cancelled his show line, and took away billions of his dollars because of his religious beliefs and criticism of large groups that control corporate and the entertainment industry. I think Dave Chapelle highlighted the point he was trying to make in his snl monologue.
  3. You didn't refute any of my assertions in that thread and you aren't refuting any of my assertions in this thread. You seem like an extremely abusive person.
  4. Well, he's not a Nazi in anyway shape or form. He actually said we should show compassion to people with extremist ideologies or we will never be able to reach them to change their minds. The image he cited was an ideology developed in Japan called raelism and Hindu religions use the swastika long before the Nazis. Nowhere has Kanye ever espoused any Nazi ideologies. I've spoken to Israeli soldiers on twitter who believe they are the superior race and believe Palestine should be genocided, which is actual Nazism, yet, it never gets any media attention. If we cant criticize Islam, Christianity, Judaism or Israel then we aren't free.
  5. I remember when Kanye was talking about the abuses of corporate media when no one else was mentioning it. Interestingly, it was right after that when the media started aggressively trying to cancel him, gaslighting him, and many other attacks. Aside from him cutting Taylor off, I don't see what he has done that is so bad. He brought gospel music and talking about God back into mainstream too. They didn't want him doing that either.
  6. They denied her funding for so many videos before because they don't like her ideas🧐 🎬📽️and she won.🤌 🤣 https://images.app.goo.gl/39Ay55yVQaA2qpyQ9
  7. Thank you for bringing this to peoples attention. Sounds like typical thom. It's a shame too because I use to like some of his music, but I can't stand him now. I don't like snobs like him. There is a difference between confidence and being a prick.
  8. Whatevs, he could have likely stopped them, and never apologized. People in the music industry know he is a rude, prick.
  9. Thom is such a douchebag for doing that. Especially now that I see this other song he probably was influenced from. Of course he wrote a song "I am a very rude person" because he's a dxck.
  10. I don't know where to post this, but I just found out that out of everyone in hip hop, they only did one remix of one song. That is so fxcking sad. She deserved so much better than that.
  11. Never know what you are gonna find at a yard sale. "an antique picker in Maine who found what could be the first dated baseball card tucked away in a photo album." "The card is headed for auction but it’s so rare, experts can’t say how much it’ll fetch — anywhere between $50,000 and $500,000. " http://consumerist.com/2013/02/06/antique-picking-proves-fruitful-for-man-who-found-first-dated-baseball-card-in-photo-album/
  12. A little story about a lost song, from an experiment of fans influencing album decisions. Kanye's last album had his audio engineer asking a bunch of his fans on discord, to suggest what they wanted the album to be like. They do this in film pre screenings to measure how good the reception is. He had this one outro sample of his choir singing this really loud high pitched African tribal singing but in a gospel sort of way, and it was amongst the greatest samples Ive ever heard from him. I thought this was going to be his best piece of music ever. It had huge potential to be incorporated into a bunch of dance remixes. Everyone on the discord hated it because it was cut loud, and they scrapped the whole ending. The best thing I felt he was ever going to create, the fans influenced him to throw it away...
  13. Vocal style question. Can you think of a word to describe the voicing tone, like at the beginning of pretty when you cry? It's a kind of an exaggerated voicing. Kurt Cobain would kinda do something similar. I can't think of an adjective that describes it or how to search for such a descriptive.
  14. Thanks for sharing. Checking her out. Like it.
  15. I still feel white mustang says what I believe it says. I have special reasons why I believe that. She mentions rockets and nuclear weapons when discussing white mustang, so I believe it has to do with something she saw then.
  16. In white mustang, there is a lyric I'm wondering about, " and you would get in the back of the,.. it kinda hit me like lighting". What do you believe she is singing there?
  17. You usually have to book large stadiums like a year in advance, because of games and such.
  18. I would guess she's playing those places, because many people can't drive for hours and hours across states. The concerts were booked, just a month or two before the show. They prolly just called around and was like where can she play? I'm sure she'll play bigger stuff, but there aren't that many large stadiums that don't have things always booked like sports games and the like.
  19. Next time, if nothing changes, you need to set your computer to not idle. Then you need to be on ticketmaster, like the night before, continually updating. An hour before ticket sales isn't enough.
  20. You need multiple laptops. Each with a different VPN, IP address, different email, etc. But if you don't get in line at the right moment, it won't really matter. People usually resell tickets the week of, or days before the show, if you didn't get one.
  21. You have to use a VPN, with completely different sources and names. This is the method of how the scalpers cheat the ticket system.
  22. Although it can be tempting to load Ticketmaster in multiple windows to increase your chances of securing tickets, this will actually hinder you. This is because the Ticketmaster website will only allow you to make one booking at a time, so you might end up losing tickets if you're flicking between the widows.Mar 7, 2023 If you are going to do that, they need to be different names, and different ip addresses.
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