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Everything posted by Rivers

  1. Rivers

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    That's fair, I was mistaken, but her parents didn't know she was singing until 2007, and I don't know if Rob or her mom listened to any of her music until around 2007. And she may have meant that they didn't know that she was taking singing seriously as a profession. I still don't know that rob listened to a single thing she sang until SNL.
  2. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    Okay hun. Cite the clip and the words verbatim. She didn't.
  3. Rivers

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  4. Rivers

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    "her mother and siblings were shown with her and her bandmate, arthur lynn, before/after a concert" And what year was that? "why would her family being aware of her music career mean she didn't grow up without a lot of money?" Again that's not what she said nor did I.
  5. Rivers

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    I don't think that's what she said. She said that her parents didn't know she was a singer for years. And no, she didn't grow up rich in the slightest. They barely qualified as middle class.
  6. Rivers

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    You aren't refuting any of my arguments. It's you who is acting like a teenager as soon as I called you out to actually defend your claims you took out of context. Clearly you care. What an absurd and ignorant retort. You wouldn't be commenting on it if that was the case. You just don't have an argument anymore so now all you can do is ad hominem and act like a troll.
  7. Rivers

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    *moves to coldest place in the lower 48 states *Didn't even have a TV
  8. Rivers

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    How daft can you be? 😆 You still haven't shown how you are claiming she or their family had money growing up. 😆 That was years later after she had insane credit card debt. 😬 How hard headed can you be? 😆
  9. Rivers

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    You didn't know? They are all physiognomy experts! 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Rivers

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    You missed the precedent. Some troll on Instagram was hounding her and making claims about her upbringing. She responded.
  11. Rivers

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    " there is a hybrid social group sitting awkwardly between the middle and lower classes in our society. These people have their sense of dignity but don't have the means to lead a respectable life any longer. They cannot seek aid as openly and readily as many others, and they are generally frowned upon when they do so. There is no government support package for them either. " "In economic terms, there is a term that comes close to describing these people: "the new poor". Badiuzzaman Bay : The Daily Star -The story of the middle class you’re never told
  12. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    If you don't classify as middle class, you are lower class. 🤣 You can be the bottom of middle class and be broke cause your dad spent all of your savings on internet handles. 😆 Internet domains are not like real estate. It's not equivalent to net worth. They are worth zero u til someone buys one, real.estste.can always be offloaded to a bank, internet domains couldn't be at the time, plus everyone thought buying domains was super sketchy. 2018 was years later. She had already broke through in the industry. Y'all mad that the truth is she didn't have money, the family almost went into poverty from robs crazy investments and she was broke AF for 9 years.
  13. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    She said they didn't have much money. What facts are you talking about? You think because your mom is a special education school teacher means you are suddenly and mystically catapulted to middle class? 🤠 "teacher pay has remained relatively flat since 1996. Moreover, teachers make considerably less than peers working in other industries." Teachers in the 90s were broke cuzzo. 🤣
  14. Rivers

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    She said they didn't have any money. Rob blew all their savings on domain names after the dotcom bubble and everyone thought he was insane for it. My dad took us out on boats and we were pretty poor and classified as just under middle class. We had a student exchange and we had to severely budget to afford the plane ticket. My parents managed to scrounge enough money together for karate lessons for a few years. It doesn't cost any money to try out for modeling. I don't think you fully know what it was like in the late 80s and 90s.
  15. Rivers

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    The per capita income in Lake Placid in 2018 was $34,972.🗽 The median income for a household in lake placid in 2000 was $28,239. 🤠 For comparison, Eminem, on eight mile in rundown Detroit in 2000, had a median income of 40,100. 🏭
  16. I like the chords they chose. Wish I would hear more of that kinda old school pop jazz that's modernized.
  17. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    Yo they were ballin so hard. 🤣🤣🤣 I had a bigger house than that and my mom was a public school teacher and my dad was a bottom tier construction worker with a drinking problem. 😆 https://images.app.goo.gl/iREERaDoSyuyfsDn9
  18. Rivers

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    The lyrics of her part in that song I thought were extremely good, and don't know how to deal with how short it is. I feel the samples of her parts on that song are another amazing song. I feel like in those instances everything is rushed. She said she wish she could have gone more into depth with that song.
  19. Profound lyrics from the tease snip. Some gave bad critiques but turning down her voice volume would do wonders and I found it impressive. The visuals were uh, not bad at all either. *Gets light headed
  20. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    Well she was 17000 in credit card debt. That's much worse than no money. That's like you have already ruined your credit history for the rest of your life, plus you don't have any money.
  21. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    The more you folks amplify the contrary, the more I actually believe they were just normal middle class. Robs head was in the clouds and mom was as it seems, pretty abusive and not providing anything for the family. Middle class in the late 80s early 90s felt like you were poor.
  22. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    Looking back at those images in their basement with the guitars and stuff, that looked like it was one of those basements that was frozen in 1970. Lol. They didn't have silly money y'all. In the most extreme they were upper middle class, but all kinds of poor people live in Manhattan and can't afford it and have to bail.
  23. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    I don't even know if Rob had the wealth that is claimed on the books. The dot com bubble was a bizarre and tragic time. A lot of that wealth that was claimed at that time was just mist. He probably didn't have what he claimed he had and it was all floated as an image.
  24. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    She had 17,000 in credit card debt before she signed to a miracle deal, out of the blue, and was in seemingly, total free fall before that.
  25. Rivers

    Instagram Updates

    "They were so rich", meanwhile she was living in a trailer park... I've been around both growing up. I don't have animosity for rich people and wouldn't ask my friends what their parents did, nor did I ask the poor friends I had, what their parents did. She clearly grinded it out as a singer for 9 or so years in dive bars. She worked and struggled for what she achieved and it looks like shes still fighting.
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