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  1. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    She posted another album snippet - Perfect Strangers https://krakenfiles.com/view/cwxRvuA3Zy/file.html
  2. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    i didn’t get a full recording of Room of Fools from the show, but the studio track was leaked recently i’m pretty sure
  3. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    Also, the order of songs and audio rips from the video: 1. Striptease (https://krakenfiles.com/view/XebyErNUxf/file.html) 2. Room of Fools 3. 24 Hr Dog (https://krakenfiles.com/view/X5meeLJp6U/file.html) 4. Girl Feels Good (https://krakenfiles.com/view/M0RlzeSGYN/file.html) 5. Drums of Death (https://krakenfiles.com/view/Ukk2vb0lLr/file.html)
  4. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    here’s a screen grab I got of the performance! Twigs & On Performance (also sorry y’all i skipped the Eusexua & Room of Fools parts - wanted to get the new stuff before the video went dead for me lol)
  5. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    Here's an up-to-date version of that old deleted tracker: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSLYehY7K8fYAgzDLJO94gugyx_eT_QDObrpyb90QKFSDc1HojoP4Rd2jF-Gt_i_IdrDMnAV1I8ufrL/pubhtml?gid=1792554832&single=true
  6. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    Here’s the original Share Your Love reference file for anyone needing it (leaked version was edited and not 320kbps). SYL Ref
  7. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    Supernice, Room of Fools, My Love Hello - Was told these 3 were recorded in 2023, unsure if that’s true though I Called you - Original seller said this was recorded March 2022 Beverley (AKA 4am) - I think this was recorded in 2022 as well. It’s a Fred again track that is supposedly being released with a diff artist
  8. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    Here it is! https://pillowcase.su/f/fbf195cd2e65b07d18ec374df596390c
  9. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    i’m p sure it’s called Talk To Me - Two Shells ft Twigs
  10. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    Np! Actually someone just shared more details about it in the Discord - apparently it's a legitimate collab released today! This one is different than I Called U - that one is a solo Twigs track
  11. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    Someone shared this on the Twigs discord, released today: https://twoshell.bandcamp.com/track/f-k-a-t-w-i-g-s-talk-to-me
  12. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    Here's a couple fixed versions!
  13. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    LMFAO omg wait i meant Us Music and totally misremembered that lol
  14. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    i know several others refer to it as 'Drug Music'. I was kinda thinking about renaming it 'Daddy-O' since she says that all throughout the song lol
  15. Chateaux

    FKA twigs

    thank you for the info! much appreciated
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